Buying office > Costcutter United Kingdom
Costcutter United Kingdom
Costcutter Supermarkets is a chain of supermarkets under different banners and was established by Colin Graves in 1986. Based in the UK, the company has operations in Ireland as well. Costcutter Supermarkets is actually a subsidiary of Bibby Line Group. Costcutter offers over 14000 references.
Over the years he company has expanded leading to its establishment in countries like:
- United Kingdom
- Ireland
- Poland
- Jersey
- Channel islands
Costcutter Supermarkets operates over 1550 stores in the UK.
Costcutter Supermarkets operates under the following banners:
- Costcutter
- Mace
- Supershop
- Simply Fresh
Costcutter Supermarkets reached a turnover of € 460 million in 2019.
Moreover the group provides retailers brands they can work with. Working predominantly with independent retailers, costcutter group also provides its own brand under the name independent.
Moreover during the pandemic, Costcutter Supermarkets started offering around 2000 references from the brand Co-op.
The logistical features for Costcutter supermarkets is handled by Bibby distribution.
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Facts and figures
Global workforce