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Food Service > Cremonini Group

Cremonini Group
Cremoni group can be defined as a foodservice whose business line involves:
Founded in 1963, the group has managed to establish its position and has even developed or acquired the following subsidiaries:
Chef express
Toad house
Cremonini rail iberica
Momentum services
Bagel factory
Sito archeoligico Trevl
Harry's bar trevl
All distribution and commercialisation aspect are managed by Creponini's subsidiary Marr. Marr serves 38,000 clients per year with 10,000 SKUs and the products are distributed through its 34 distribution centres and 700 vehicles (multi-temperature).
Marr's 38,000 clients are composed of :
- Restaurants
- Hotels
- Hotel chains
- Tourist villages
- Pizzerias
- Canteens (schools, kindergartens, companies)
- Private clinics
- Hospitals
- Nursing homes
- Public institutions
The 10,000 SKUs are composed of ranges such as:
- Grocery
- Frozen
- Chilled & fresh
- Household
- Personal care
Chef express deals exclusively with the catering part. Its presence is particularly in travelling ports like airports, train stations or motorways. Recently, even Roadhouse restaurant has been added to Cremonini's catering list as well as its recent acquisition ; Bagel factory.
Cremonini's distribution involves:
- 1,544 million euros of turnover
- 850 employees
- 10,000 of food items distributed
- 8000 non-food items distributed
- 5 cash & carry
- 700 vehicles
- 154 million fish purchased by Marr
- 400 types of fish distributed by the the food service
The catering segment has the following figures:
- 511.7 million euros of turnover
- 5100 employees
- 210 trains served in Europe
- 298 catering points (stations, motorways & airports)
- 80 catering points (train stations)
- 51 catering points (motorways)
- 60 catering points (airports)
- 80 millions clients served per year
- 25 millions of coffee sold per year
Phone number
Facts and figures
Global workforce