Buying alliance > Euro Friwa
Euro Friwa
Founded in 1927, Euro Friwa is located in Wurzburg, Germany and regroups wholesalers who are in the hairdressing industry. The group allows its shareholders to be highly competitive on the market and many of them have been attaining a total sales of €120 million.
While many of the shareholders are german wholesalers, the company also has shareholders in other European countries like Norway, Belgium and France.
Euro Friwa achieved a turnover of € 50.5 million in 2016 and the company employs 91 people.
The firm works with hair professional wholesalers, supplying them with a wide range of hair care products from well-known brands like Dusy Professional, Attitude, Hair Doctor, Peggy Sage, Aristocut and Leaving.
The company offers marketing, IT and financial services and also handles the logistics. In fact, Euro Friwa currently owns a 6000 m2 warehouse which can hold up to 14000 products.
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Global workforce