Importer > F.l. Věk Nápoje
F.l. Věk Nápoje
Established in 1991, F.l. Věk Nápoje is an importer and distributor of wine and spirits. Its headquarters is based in Pilsen, Czech Republic.
With regards to its distribution channels, it supplies offices, weddings, private individuals, etc.
It provides its customers with an e-catalogue.
F.l. Věk Nápoje offers a selection of products in the following categories:
- Wine and spirits: beer, cognac, wine, etc.
- Sweet grocery: a range of chocolate.
Its portfolio consists of several brands like:
- Starbrook: chocolate.
- Aftershock: liqueur.
- Beefeater: a range of gin.
Moreover, the business offers various rum, wine, cognac tastings to its customers.
Concerning its logistics, it delivers its products by its own means of transport.
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