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📅 Barcelona – 22nd to 25th April 2025
📅 Dubai – 24th to 27th November 2025

Aloe Vera Drinking Gel® anti-oxidant and potent nutraceutical detox to cleanse the bowels.
Aloe Vera has been used from time immemorial to assist the smooth functioning of the gastrointestinal tract mainly because of its properties of soothing, cleansing and helping the body to maintain its wellness tissues.
As more consumers turn to their local pharmacies during the pandemic to meet many of their healthcare needs, they are able to spend less in the process due to lower cost of Over-The-Counter products including feminine care medications resulting in healthcare cost savings in comparison to drugs prescribed by expensive and long waiting times during doctors visits by comparison to the safe and effective treatment and relief for many common conditions of natural, traditional O-T-C, homeopathic remedies and nutritional supplements and devices in the first place. Consumers today are embracing these self-care options that they can access at retail easier without the intervention to expensive doctors or pharmacist as they seek to prevent sickness, self-treat minor conditions, and avoid unnecessary costly doctors’ appointments with long uncomfortable waits in waiting room exposing them further to germs and/or diseases. In light of this evolving and more empowering consumer who are taking a more holistic approach to self-care thereby boosting their personal health but their financial health as well – and those savings can be felt across the entire healthcare industry.
It has been proven that for every one U.S. Dollar spent on O-T-C- medicines saves more than seven U.S. Dollars for pharmaceutical drugs with its notorious side-effects.
Product attributes

United States
Product details
Place of processing
United States
Origin of main ingredient
Origin of main ingredient
Packaging formats