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📅 Barcelona – 22nd to 25th April 2025
📅 Dubai – 24th to 27th November 2025

Green Joy
Green Joy is a unique nutritional supplement containing iodine produced from organically-grown Ulva seaweed, vitamin D and iron. Green Joy was developed in accordance with the current recommendations by the Ministry of Health for pregnant and nursing women. Along with iron, they recommend consuming iodineand vitamin D. Iodine is an essential mineral with a range of central roles in our bodies, of which the most important is the production of thyroid hormones which affect the rate of material exchange and growth rates. It is particularly important for mother and fetus during pregnancy, A lack of iodine is liable to lead to problems with fetal brain development, and a lack of the mineral in the mother could lead to one in the fetus who is nourished from her, leading to life-long consequences. As with other vitamins and minerals, our bodies are unable to produce iodine themselves and it is thus necessary to consume it either from food or from a nutritional supplement containing iodine
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Product details
Place of processing
Origin of main ingredient
Origin of main ingredient
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