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📅 Barcelona – 22nd to 25th April 2025
📅 Dubai – 24th to 27th November 2025
Personal Care Wipes
€ Core price
Our moist, flushable adult, feminine and toddler wipes set the standard in the industry for quality and flushability. To give confidence in safely flushing our wipes, our product line is certified by the NSF, the leading 3rd-party expert.
Facial wipes come in many forms, including gentle cleansing, hydrating, deep cleaning, night calming and pink grapefruit. We actively look at cosmetic trends to remain at the forefront of facial care.
For people desiring hand cleaning on the go, our antibacterial wipes fit the need. In our convenient canisters, travel pack or cup holder companion, the wipes are easy to carry and use.
Product details
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