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📅 Barcelona – 22nd to 25th April 2025
📅 Dubai – 24th to 27th November 2025

A device with a refined design intended to differentiate peristaltic drainage . One of a kind, designed for intensive use and highly professional and versati- le . It is equipped with 24 specific programs. Its special pressure system with “fish bone” inner tube is applicable, individually and / or combined, to feet, legs, abdomen and groin. Press massage produces a peristaltic wave with different pressures, according to the areas to be treated and to the time ne- eded for the pressure to reach each specific sector. All this is programmed according to individual needs.
Built according to safety standards national and international (CEI 62.5), this machine uses the most modern and sophisticated electronic technologies such as microprocessor driven circuits for continuous control of all the fun- ctions which, besides the performing of treatment based on individual needs, guarantees maximum degree of Safety and excellent results for the client. The functioning of our PRESS MASSAGE is fully computerized. LCD touch screen display is provided to guide the operator through intuitive menus, where you can select, for each customer, the most appropriate among 24 treatment programs stored with the preset values of physiological parame- ters. Additionally, the equipment allows the operator to create more types of programs for drainage treatment, customized according to the customer’s needs. PREss MAssAGE, to ensure maximum security, is equipped with an internal pressure sensor which via micro-processor controls the air sup- ply allowing variation of quantity and pressure within each individual sector. The result is a physiological compression which, like a wave, envelops the limb evenly promoting blood or lymphatic flow and the reabsorption of the fluids from the tissues into the vessels. Simple to operate and complete in functions, it allows you to deal with all safety issues related to: circulatory stasis, both venous and lymph, swollen legs, poor circulation, water reten- tion, cellulite in all its stages.

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