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Robusta: Power coffee
€ Core price
The Coffea canephora species is the second most widely grown variety among the 73 existing spaces coffee. More known as Robusta, this coffee delights amamteurs coffee caratère for its bitter flavors or acrid.
The Coffea canephora which we get different varieties of species robusta thrives in tropical forests. Originally from the Congo Basin, Coffea canephora is a shrub measuring between 5m and 8m high and whose leaves are light green.
Stronger than arabica (hence its name), robusta also offers a higher yield. Grown in the plains of Central Africa, Brazil, Vietnam or Indonesia up to 600 m in altitude, Coffea canephora provides about 30% of world production . Coffee beans it produces contain 2 times more caffeine than Arabica.
The coffee is produced is strong and a little bitter or pungent aromatic finesse compared to Arabica. Robusta is often associated with Arabica coffee to create both powerful and aromatic as is the case of ristretto or most espressos .
Curiously, one of the most expensive coffees in the world is robusta collected in Indonesia in a civet dung ... otherwise known to provide musk. Civet in question loves the coffee berries but can not digest the coffee beans. Under the action of the gastric juices, these grains are changing significantly. The coffee is from the Kopi Luwak is devoid of bitterness and has a musky flavor incomparable considered by specialists.

Product details
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