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📅 Barcelona – 22nd to 25th April 2025
📅 Dubai – 24th to 27th November 2025

SHOCKWAVE SYSTEM is a device based on high energy acoustic shock wave , produced by sound waves induced by a ballistic generator. The acoustic shock wave (sound) is generated through the handpiece shaped as a gun, whose barrel is closed at the end by a sort of metal cap, by means of a magnetic system which launches a steel projectile, thus generating the acoustic wave (sound) that will spread from the contact point to the deepest layers of the skin. Treatments performed with SHOCKWAVE SY- sTEM’s acoustic shock waves, are based on the natural mechanisms of the human body to repair and firm the tissues. The application of acoustic waves induces a temporary permeability of cell membranes and improves the interchange of substances between the same cells. The permeability of the cell membrane leads to the activation of “lipase”, enzymes responsible for the splitting of fats. The force generated by the acoustic shock waves treatment , stimulates the release of biologically active substances, with a considerable improvement even to the bloodstream. The acoustic wave of our sHOCKWAVE sYsTEM, changing the pressure generated on the tis- sues, causes the molecules to oscillate and in so doing It activates the me- tabolism and the stimulation of the lymphatic system. In the SHOCKWAVE SYSTEM handpiece is inserted the supplementary vacuum system. This instrument creates air suction and also used as a compression tool, that generates a “gym effect” for the skin that results in a considerable improve- ment of the elasticity and appearance of the skin itself. The SHOCKWAVE SYSTEM has been made mainly for treatments related to skin toning and connective tissue neoformation, in order to achieve cellulite reduction and a dramatic improvement in the look and firmness of the skin

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