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VemoHerb Bulgarian Tribulus Drink, 30 sachets
Completely natural, 100% vegan, instant drink with Bulgarian Tribulus terrestris extract, with blueberry flavour.
VemoHerb® Bulgarian Tribulus drink has an energizing effect and assists you to cope with the physical work out.*
Most potent patented Tribulus extract standardized to 60% furostanol saponins (as protodioscin). Delivers more than 1800% general saponins.
Patented as VemoHerb Tribuscin® , this is the first Tribulus terrestris extract in the world completely purified from EU-banned pyrrolizidine alkaloids.
How and Why It Works?Â
The instant drink VemoHerb® Bulgarian Tribulus contains extract from the Bulgarian herb Tribulus terrestris. This plant is well known in the Bulgarian traditional medicine. Regarded as a vitality herb, it has been used for centuries because of its positive effect on the human energy and libido.*Â
The Bulgarian Tribulus terrestris extract manufactured by VEMO 99 Ltd is rich in active ingredients and standardized at 60% furostanol saponins determined as Protodioscin. The specific bouquet of furostanol saponins in the Bulgarian Tribulus terrestris have a distinct positive effect on strength, muscle growth, lean body mass, sexuality.
The main difference between VEMO’s Tribulus extract and all others is not just the higher concentration of protodioscin, but also the higher amounts of accompanying substances that modulate and amplify the effects of Protodioscin.Â
The whole group of furostanol saponins present in the extract play an important role in supporting the properties of Protodioscin. Â According to some scientists, the plant extract supports the luteinizing hormone synthesis and positively influences the amounts of testosterone in a natural way.Testosterone promotes muscle growth indirectly by stimulating protein synthesis in the organism.
The phytochemistry of the Bulgarian Tribulus terrestris is unique due to the specific geographic position, the suitable climate and topography of the country and the specific collecting method for the herb. These factors determine the differences in the pharmacological and physiological properties and advantages of the Bulgarian herb when compared to Tribulus terrestris with foreign origin.Â
Most products, available on the market at the moment, contain extracts from India and China, with lower concentration of active ingredients and practically no physiological effect.Â
The Bulgarian Tribulus terrestris extract assists the positive nitrogen balance and improves protein synthesis, including in the muscles.* This helps with the body capabilities and endurance in cases of physical and mental overwork.
The extract VemoHerb® Bulgarian Tribulus of VEMO 99 Ltd is different from the rest extracts mainly by:
- Using top-quality wild-grown herb, gathered at a specific phase of growth in ecologically clean regions. The herb is dried and stored according to all technological requirements to guarantee preservation and maximum content of its active substances.
- Unique know-how technology for obtaining potent herbal extract from the plant raw material that provides 60% furostanol saponins with prevailing component Protodioscin.
- Offering a refined herbal product with guaranteed constant quality, containing suitable combination of furostanol saponins for our clients.
30 vegan sachets
Active substances in one sachetÂ
500 mg Tribulus (aerial parts and fruit) Extract (Tribulus terrestris L.) (60% furostanol saponins determined as protodioscin)
Recommended daily dose1 – 2 sachets a day
Directions for useThe sachet content is dissolved in 250 ml water, while stirring.
The product is a food supplement not a medical drug. The product is not a substitute for a varied diet. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. It is not recommended for pregnant, nursing women and children!
Product attributes

Product details
Place of processing
Origin of main ingredient
Origin of main ingredient
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