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Manufacturer > Deroni Ltd

Deroni Ltd
The Deroni’s great advantage is our own gardens, through which we provide the necessary raw materials - the various fresh vegetables that we use for our production. The Deroni gardens are the biggest in Bulgaria for the production of varieties of fresh vegetables, situated on 3.15 million square meters of drained, drip-irrigated land. In order to grow healthy and tasty vegetables we have applied an innovative - revolutionary method:
- First we have healed the land: by sowing certain types of green-covering plants. Their task is to clear the land from weeds, pathogenic microorganisms and enrich it with organic green mass.
- Afterwards we have drained all fields of 3.15 million square meters, so that in heavy rains, the water immediately drains and does not remain on the surface. In this way we keep the land healthy and fertile without the development of pathogenic microorganisms.
- In summer, we water the vegetables with clear, filtered water to make sure we have grown genuine natural vegetables.
- Now the healthy and fertile land in return is giving us a rich harvest of healthy and tasty vegetables - red and green peppers, tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, aubergines, gherkins, necessary for our production.
- In the summer and the autumn we collect the ripe vegetables and hours after that we grill and produce them in the Deroni’s factories.
- In the season every day we collect up to 60-70 tons of the specified vegetables.
Today, Deroni has a rich history and has deserved the trust of many loyal customers around the world. We work now with more than 34 countries.
I. Please see our website and catalog: /
1. Deroni Mustards – we produce all types of original mustards, produced according to the French Decree No. 2000-658 FR:
1.1. Mustard Dijon – authentic and real Dijon mustard with whole mustards seeds, no sugar added.
1.2. Mustard à l' Ancienne – traditional French mustard with whole mustards seeds, no sugar added.
1.3. Mustard original recipe – with intensive taste.
1.4. Honey Mustard – with forest bee honey from specific protected regions in Bulgaria.
1.5. Mustard mild and aromatic – with fresh spices /fresh basil and fresh parsley/ and aromatic balsamic.
2. Sauces for meatSpecial sauces for meat – grill & marinate & dip.Made of different types of wild berries, which are very aromatic and greatly enhance the taste of the sauce.With fresh pieces of vegetables from the Deroni Gardens, with fresh garlic and fresh spices.No preservatives & no artificial colors & no artificial flavors.
3. Barbecue and grill sauces Made of fresh pieces of vegetables from the Deroni Gardens, with naturally fermented soy sauce /naturally brewed soy beans/. With fresh garlic and fresh spices. No preservatives.
4. Classic Pasta sauces Deroni Made of 100% natural ingredients and no added sugar. Wonderful combination of chunky tomatoes and grilled vegetables from the sunny Deroni Gardens with fresh herbs. The products are without preservatives. One of our best sellers.
5. Gourmet Pasta sauces Deroni: Chunky gourmet pasta sauces with fresh vegetables from Deroni Gardens and fresh herbs. Made of 100% natural ingredients and no added sugar. The products are without preservatives.
6. Pasta sauces Deroni Kilinaria: A wonderful balance between good quality with competitive prices. These pasta sauces are without preservatives and no added sugar.
7. Pizza sauces: 100% natural ingredients and no added sugar, combination of chunky tomatoes and grilled vegetables from the sunny Deroni Gardens with fresh herbs. The products are without preservatives. 8. Chili sauces With different hot peppers from Chili Garden Deroni.All this allows us to produce a wide variety of hot products at competitive prices for these high-class products.9. Green ketchupsMade of 100% real green tomatoes from our gardens.The Deroni Green Jalapeno Ketchup received the prestigious SIAL 2022 award for an innovative product.10. Classic white sauces Garlic and Tartar sauces made of fresh garlic and fresh cucumbers.11. Soy sauces and teriyaki sauceMade from naturally fermented soy beans & 100 % natural ingredients & No preservatives & glass bottles.12. Liquid sauces for seasoningExcellent for marinating and flavoring all types of foods.13. KetchupsReal ketchup from real tomatoes.
14. Traditional products - Avar, Lutenitsa, ZacuscaMade by homemade recipes with grilled peppers and auberges, tomatoes from our own Deroni gardens.
Commercial status

This company is operating normally and looking for new clients
(Last updated on Oct 25th 2023)
Haskovo, Bulgaria
Facts and figures
Country of activity
Global workforce
Since 1991
34 years in 2025
Company details
Distribution channels
Production capacity
Logistic capabilities
Minimum Order Quantities
3 products