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Manufacturer > Earth-Mind Business Grupe

Earth-Mind Business Grupe
We are a Spanish frozen seafood specialist company, working with the most reliable suppliers having long-term agreements with the most important fisheries worldwide.
We're a flexible company able to meet customer's request in terms of cuts, packaging configuration and quality standards.
What we do?
We are specialist in the supply of the HORECA segments where we produce, pack and supply frozen seafood from the best origins with tailor made packaging and cuts adjusted to your needs.
- Frozen Octopus (Octopus vulgaris): Cooked and raw, Whole, legs, slices, etc... Vacuum packed, IQF, etc...
- Frozen Lobsters (Panulirus Argus / Reguis): Whole, tails, etc...
- Frozen Tuna (Thunnus albacares / Thunnus Obesus) : Pieces, loin, half-moon cut, etc...
- Frozen Marlin (Makaira SPP): Pieces, loin, half-moon cut, etc...
- Frozen Mahi Mahi (Coryphaena hipurrus): Pavé, fillets, steaks, fillet, pieces, etc...
- Frozen Shrimps (Penaeus notialis, Pleoticus muelleri, Litopenaus Vannamei, Penaeus SPP).
Some key points in a nutshell:
- 15 years experience in the frozen seafood sector.
- Worldwide supply agreements.
- Offices in Panama, Mauritania and Senegal.
- Packaging and cuts options adjusted to customer needs.
Please take a look to the brochure and feel free to ask for a quotation, samples and further information.
Murcia, Spain
Facts and figures
Country of activity
Global workforce
Company details
Distribution channels
Production capacity
Logistic capabilities
Minimum Order Quantities
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