Manufacturer > Equinox - Viazur - La Coopé
Equinox - Viazur - La Coopé
Equinox ranks among the leading European importers of horsemeat. Apart from the Wijnegem plant (near Antwerp), that employs some 80 people. The company has several branches in France: La Coopé & Viazur Fresh horsemeat? Equinox takes the shortest route: direct import. Freshly slaughtered quarters (pistolas) arrive daily by plane and are hurried to our plant to be cut up in our own facilities and packaged. Another of our specialties is smoked meat. Equinox smoked horsemeat meets the most stringent standards of quality and is widely renowned for its exquisite taste. Equinox also markets a variety of ready-made meals in metal and glass containers.
Wijnegem, Belgium
Facts and figures
Country of activity
Global workforce
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Minimum Order Quantities
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