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Manufacturer > Jain Turkey

Jain Turkey
Constructed on a total of 20.000 square meter land, ~11.000 of it remains as closed production area, located in Aegean Free Trade Zone, Izmir city, on the West Coast. We categorize business type into 3; one side is industrial / bulk which is bringing the cleaned raw material from origin – these are all our audited and approved suppliers by long-years of trust, recleaning where necessary (like sortexcleaning of seeds to remove undesired particles and bring the product to a cleanliness extent – by getting rid of EVM), grinding, blending, passing through other necessary production lines and steam sterilizing. The second side is retail. We do private label productions of small glass bottles (sprinkler & grinder lids), large pet bottles (sprinkler & grindermills), vertical pouch packing line for pouch filling (foldable ambalage/sealed) We have screw & volumetric filling machines for pouch packings; one is to fill ground and the other is for filling seed property items. Factory infrastructure is ready for zipper pouch filling machine installations in the face of future volumes tofully produce Herbs & Spice category items. Thirdly is the food service, aiming HORECA soon switchingtoautomizedfillingby machinery line. * The most recenthighlight is a new “SeasoningLine” coming shortly forpreparationof powederedblends.
Mediterranean Herbs complete Spice range to offer wide array of Herbs and Spices, • Large existing in-house spend at Sleaford and Innovafood on various herbs, • Upstream value capture by processing herbs in Turkey, • Shorter learning period with acquisition of experiencedteam, • Part of Jain Group based in Izmir-Turkey, a multinationalgroup with1,3 billionturnover, • Group being one of the leaders in production of Onion, Mango, Banana, Herbs andSpices (in steam sterilizedprocess) Jain Farm Fresh A.S is Turkey facilityof thatorganisation, with well experience in retailprivate labelbusiness, extendingfrom 2 gr to10 kg withdifferent packagingtypes likepet jars, glass jars, zip lockerpouches and more, • Respresentedin ASTA at Board Level as well as a member of ESA andSustainableSpice Initiatives (SSI/IDH), • Main strategyof our company in Turkey is to work withfarmers directlyin line withJain Global strategies, • Priding ourselves working directly withfarmers, our strengthis to work under farm-controlledprinciples and maintain GAP-GMP. We categorizeour product range intothree; STRAIGHT – BLENDS & SEASONINGS (withSalt) and MASALA BLENDS All mono itemsof a varietyof origins can go intoretail & food service packages. In additiontothese mono items, we do theirderivatives, special recipeherb blends, spiceblends andSalt blends like BBQ, Thyme & Lemon & Bay Salt, Chilly Salt etc.
QA Process: We work sample approval basis withcustomersviabeing Exactly Transparent We have our internal lab, where we make deep physical, chemical and microbiological investigations starting from very initial stepof incoming raw material to fully micro guaranteed final product, while we are hands on at every stage of production in terms of quality control and assurance • All chemical, physical and microbiologicalanalysis are made internally, • To ensure from farm tofork qualıty theplanthas a well-equipped laboratory whıchis designed according to meet accreditation properties ınthe mid-run, • Internalallergen analysis forSesame, Mustard, Peanut, Gluten and Almond. • Completes extra precautions by segregation of itshepafilter from general filtering systems forpositive pressure rule, Handling & Batch & Stock Capacity: The facilityis huge therefore storage capacityas well as 5.000 MT of Herbs & Spice+ 1.000 Salt handling capacity. For steam sterilizationchamber is batchsystem “Gettinge” device. 600 kg for Herbs per batch and1000 kg for Ground & Seed per batch. Shipment Time: We propose 8 weeks lead-time as of officialPO receiptdate. 8 weeks can be shorteneddown (by around 4 weeks) if raw material, packaging material are ready in stocks. We can negotiatethe leadtime according toproduct type. Grinding takes more time, as you know. Our locationhas huge benefitby being very close to2 main ports in Izmir, one is Alsancak port (half an hour distance) second is Aliağa port (1,5 hours distance) There are weekly vessels toalldestinations arıund the world. We are well-aware of exporting & importing movement documentations and a curious team followingcountry regulaitonsdailybasis
Commercial status

This company is actively looking for new clients
(Last updated on Nov 11th 2024)
Izmir, Turkey
Facts and figures
Verified supplier
Country of activity
Global workforce
Since 1963
62 years in 2025
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11 products

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