Retail group > Kitwave One
Kitwave One
Kitwave is an importer, exporter and distributor based in the UK and has been operating in 1988. The company has over 30000 customers. Kitwave started to grow rapidly as from 2011, through the acquisitions of various wholesale and distribution businesses.
Kitwave achieved a turnover of € 388 million in 2018 and employed 948 people.
The business offers a wide range of products in various categories:
Sweet Grocery: Confectionery
Savory Grocery: snacks
Frozen Food
Drinks: wine, beer, soft drinks
In 2013, Kitwave acquired Teatime Tasties, a distributor which offers convenience products. The group also owns Eden Farm and Hulleys Frozen Foods which are both distributors of frozen products, H.B Clark, a distributor and wholesaler of alcoholic drink and Squirrels Stock which distributes a wide range of products.
Kitwave manages 27 depots out of which 8 are dedicated for ambient products, 8 for frozen, chilled foods and food service and 9 for alcoholic drinks.
, United Kingdom
Phone number
Facts and figures
Global workforce