Manufacturer > London Probiotics Technology
London Probiotics Technology
At London Probiotics Technology Sdn Bhd, we believe that, from a health perspective, what you put into your body is just as important as what you don't. The same goes for what you put on your body. A lot of people want to ‘eat healthier‘, we try to help people achieve that goal.
We're aware that everyone is starting at a different place, and ‘eat healthier' is relative to where you are now. So our varieties of recipes – delicious recipes that are healthier than the average diet (many customers, on finding out that the recipes are vegetarian, said so). Everyone has to start somewhere and if they've made a decision to eat healthier their choices are relative to the place they're starting from. Start where you are, and do what you can. Don't beat yourself up, but just keep striving to improve.
One of the problems with eating healthier is that while it's obvious that a salad is going to be healthier than deep fried chicken, what's often not so obvious to many of us is what invisible harmful chemicals might be lurking in our otherwise healthy food choices. For that reason we're about minimally-processed, wheat-free and preservative-free food as opposed to commercially-processed food. We know for many of us it can be more difficult to buy minimally-processed food, maybe it's not something you even want to think about right now.
We know that what you put into your body is not just what you put in your mouth and swallow. It's affected by what you put on your skin and it's also affected by what you put into your brain, your thoughts. So even though these last two items don't strictly fall under ‘healthy eating' like what a typical food manufacturer will say.
Company's packaging eco-policy
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Facts and figures
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Global workforce
Since 2016
8 years in 2024
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27 products