Retail group > Rt Mart China
Rt Mart China
Based in Shanghai, RT Mart Limited Shanghai is managed as a membership hypermarket. The company also operates as a subsidiary of Sun Art retail group limited.
The company since its creation in 1998 has become a well established one and in 2004 the 23rd store was opened.
In addition, Auchan and RT Mart have a powerful position in Chinese hypermarket business with 15% market share.
In 2018, Alibaba tech has transformed 100 RT stores.
RT Mart hypermarkets provides only the freshest products for sale for instance meat, vegetables, dairy products are replaced every morning.
Thanks to the joint purchase agreement between Freshippo and RT-Mart, they are able to source from the same suppliers.
The firm Alibaba also has an aim to innovate the additional 300 RT-Mart stores.
RT Mart is looking for suppliers of savory grocery items like oil and flour and sweet grocery items such as cereals. The company wishes to work only with manufacturers rather than importers or resellers. Moreover, RT Mart wants to work with suppliers who can provide it with products for its own brands but the firm also wishes to work with other brands.
, China
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