Manufacturer > Trace One
Trace One
We’ve created a global community of 20,000+ brand owners spanning more than 100 countries. Our smart solutions let them collaborate and innovate on remarkable products worth over $300 billion every year. We’ve been helping them create products that consumers really want since 2001, through bigger (and faster) thinking.
We've created a new Packaging Management Solution that helps brand owners collect and use their packaging data to enable viable plastic packaging alternatives. It saves them time in managing their data and guarantees its reliability. As users, all signatories of the National Pact on Plastic Packaging are supported to overcome the problem of plastic packaging. Our role is to make their brands stand out and remarkable for a truly sustainable future.
Puteaux, France
Facts and figures
Country of activity
Global workforce
Since 2001
23 years in 2024
Company details
Distribution channels
Production capacity
Logistic capabilities
Minimum Order Quantities
1 product