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Aeroxon - Moths
€ Core price
Products Available in-:
Aeroxon Food Moth Trap : Odourless glue trap with sexual attractant (pheromone) for the capture of Indian Meal Moths, Mediterranean Flour Moths, Almond Moths and Tobacco Moths. The so- called food moth occurs in nuts, cereals, biscuits, chocolate, tea, flour, rice, pet food, wild bird food and other dry foodstuffs.
Aeroxon Clothes Moth Trap : Non-toxic, odourless and ready-to-use glue trap with sexual attractant (pheromone) to monitor and detect infestations of clothes moths on clothing, carpets, materials, soft furnishings and upholstery. Effective for 2 x 3 months.
Aeroxon Moth Repellent : This moth repellent protects fabrics from clothes moths for 3 months and, at the same time, gives off a subtle scent of fresh linen.
Aeroxon Lavender Bag : Cotton bag filled with 100% pure lavender blossoms. The natural fragrance of lavender repels clothes moths. Woollen products and other textiles are protected from moth infestation. This product is used as a preventative measure. In cases of existing infestation we recommend to use Aeroxon Moth Killer Strips.
Aeroxon Clothes Moth Killer – Sachets : Ready-to-use sachets with granules containing active agents that immediately get rid of clothes moths, fur beetles and their larva, and safely protect against reinfestation.
Aeroxon Long-Term Moth Protection : Ready-to-use Long-Term Moth Protection for the effective control of clothes moths, fur- and black carpet beetles and their larvae. Protects from any new infestation for 6 months. Discreet scent of fresh laundry. No skin contact with the active substance. Complete with indicator to show when the product should be replaced.
Aeroxon Moth Killer Strips : Twin pack with 20 (2 x 10) sheets. The paper strips contain an odourless active ingredient.

Product details
Place of processing
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Origin of main ingredient
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