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📅 Barcelona – 22nd to 25th April 2025
📅 Dubai – 24th to 27th November 2025

Brecon Vegetables
€ Core price
Brecon Foods is a market leader in the Frozen Vegetable Market. Our extensive supplier network allows us to supply household brands as well as private labeling. Our strict quality control ensures that each product meets local tastes and specifications.
IQF Artichoke Bottoms
IQF Artichoke Hearts
IQF Asparagus Center Cuts
IQF Asparagus Cuts & Tips
IQF Asparagus Spears
IQF Bamboo Shoots
IQF Broad Beans
IQF Cut Beans
IQF Cut Broccoli
IQF Flageolet Beans
IQF Broccoli Florets
IQF Red Kidney Beans
IQF White Kidney Beans
IQF Romano Beans
IQF Sliced Beans
IQF Broccoli Spears
IQF Whole Beans
IQF Brussel Sprouts
IQF Cabbage
IQF Baby Carrots
IQF Diced Carrots
IQF Julienne Carrots
IQF Parisian Carrots
IQF Sliced Carrots
IQF Shoestring Carrots
IQF Cauliflower
IQF Celeraic
IQF Cilantro
IQF Diced Celery
IQF Sliced Celery
IQF Corn
IQF Corn Cobs
IQF Edamame Shelled
IQF Edamame Unshelled
IQF Leeks
IQF Baby Limas
IQF Diced Mushrooms
IQF Sliced Mushrooms
IQF Okra Cut
IQF Diced Onions
IQF Pearl Onions
IQF Sliced Onions
IQF Whole Onions
IQF Parsley
IQF Peas
IQF Petit Peas
IQF Pea Pods
IQF Sugar Snap Peas
IQF Mixed Peas&Carrots
IQF Diced Green Peppers
IQF Sliced Green Peppers
IQF Diced Red Peppers
IQF Sliced Red Peppers
IQF Sliced Yellow Peppers
IQF Chick Peas
IQF Diced Potatoes
IQF Romanesco Florets
IQF Diced Rutabagas
IQF Chopped Spinach
IQF Parisian Spinach
IQF Whole Spinach
IQF Diced Squash
IQF Diced Leaf Tomatoes
IQF Diced Turnips
IQF Sliced Waterchestnuts
IQF Sliced Zucchini Quarters

Product details
Place of processing
Origin of main ingredient
Origin of main ingredient
Packaging formats