Frozen Pinse
The dough of the Frozen Pinse is produced exclusively with sourdough starter, refreshed daily since the 1960s and biga; characterized by very high hydration, over 90% of water to flour, making it airy and soft. Following rising times of at least 48 hours, the dough is stretched rigorously by hand according to tradition, ensuring the handmade result in the appearance as well. The final result is a very easy to digest Pinsa with a well-developed cell structure, crispy on the outside and soft inside, with very intense taste and aroma. The Pinse are pre-cooked, just defrost at room temperature and warm in the oven; then complete by adding the ingredients of your choice, either on top or inside, or enjoy as a simple focaccia by adding oil and salt before warming in the oven.
Available in these versions: 29X19 (210 g) and 55X25 (600 g)
Product details
Place of processing
Origin of main ingredient
Origin of main ingredient
Packaging formats