Join us at the 2025 Wabel Summits
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Connecting the right Buyers with the right Suppliers.
📅 Barcelona – 22nd to 25th April 2025
📅 Dubai – 24th to 27th November 2025

Garden and Agriculture
€ Core price
Products Available in-:
Aeroxon Glue Band for Trees : The Aeroxon Glue Band protects trees from all kinds of crawling insects. Fruit trees are specifically protected from flightless female winter moths which hatch on the ground after the first frost and lay their eggs in treetops. The caterpillars, hatching in the spring, cause immense feeding damage.
Aeroxon Yellow Sticky Panels : These yellow glue panels are used to control whiteflies, leaf miners, midges, aphids, thrips and fungus gnats. Both available sizes (10cm x 25cm and 40cm x 25cm) are made from 100% yellow polystyrene and are coated with a special water and ultraviolet light resistant, non-toxic glue. The yellow colour attracts pests which then stick firmly to the glue.
Aeroxon Barn & Stable Fly Catcher : Insecticide-free fly catcher specifically developed to control flies in cattle houses, stables and pigsties. The flies are attracted by the shape of the fly catcher and by visual effects (contrasts) and then firmly trapped on the glue surface. The large trapping surface (2 x 200 cm x 20 cm) enables up to 10,000 flies to be caught. The Aeroxon Barn & Stable Fly Catcher is absolutely non-toxic and even effective against resistant flies.

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