Join us at the 2025 Wabel Summits
Smart B2B Matchmaking
Connecting the right Buyers with the right Suppliers.
📅 Barcelona – 22nd to 25th April 2025
📅 Dubai – 24th to 27th November 2025

Gluten-free country bread
A hearty, rustic bread, perfect for snacks.
The products are sold par-baked in our fresh pack system which ensures that the breads are protected against contamination during transport and storage as well as during final baking. Protected by the fresh pack, they can be baked together with other products in the same oven. This saves you time and money and your oven is always working on full capacity without any risk of contamination. Thus you can expand your bake-off range and offer freshly baked gluten-free bakery products at all times.
Backhäusle offers you a full baker’s range of gluten-free products suited for bake-off.
A clean and safe means to offer your clients tasty, oven-fresh gluten-free bakery products attractively packaged.
Finally, the packaging is made of sustainable sources and is biodegradable. The packaging can be tailored to your company’s design.
Product attributes

Product details
Place of processing
Origin of main ingredient
Origin of main ingredient
Packaging formats