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Light mussels
€ Core price
The mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) is a lamellibranchia mollusc with a high nutritional value due to its high protein, iron and phosphorous content. It has bluey-black symmetrical valves from 4 to 8 cm in length. It attaches itself to rocks using a filament it produces itself called a byssal thread, forming large colonies.
In the Galician Estuaries, the temperature conditions and nutrients in the sea water are ideal for their development, ensuring mussels of optimum size and quality. They are cultivated on large floating tray-like structures and reproduce by laying several million eggs. Mussels reach the suitable size to be commercialised when they are over one year old, this is when the ropes are pulled out of the water and once on the deck they are cleaned using plenty of sea water and are selected according to size.
Like all other molluscs, the mussel is a source of protein, vitamins and minerals, making them highly recommended as part of a healthy, balanced diet, as they are also low fat .
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