Dried sauce mixes (including oven-bags and double sachets)
We offer a wide range of dried sauce and gravy mixes according to market and customer needs. Some of our mostly liked flavours are cheese sauce, mushroom sauce, chasseur sauce, béchamel sauce, hollandaise sauce, bernaise sauce, white sauce, mixes for shepards pie, bolognese, chili con carne, burritos, fajitas, chow mein, bami goreng, gyros, kebab etc. Examples for our gravies are beef gravy, duck gravy, chicken gravy or onion gravy. Oven-bag mixes are for eaxmple chicken herbs de Provence, rôti a la moutarde, crunchy chicken nuggets, poisson aneth et ciboulette etc. Some flavours of our coupled sachets used for a side dish to go along with a main dish are saltimbocca with rosmarey potatoes, chicken nuggets with BBQ, lamb with white bean salad or spinach caneloni with napoli sauce. Please do get in touch for any enquiry.
Product details
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Origin of main ingredient
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