Sun Valley Rice Sprouted Rice capabilities
Sun Valley Rice Sprouted Rice: The market for sprouted rice is growing rapidly as consumers and food manufacturers realize that it deliver seven more bioavailable nutrition than unsprouted rice, as well as a sweet,nutty flavor and appealing texture that’s softer than traditional brown rice. Ours is the only commercial gradesprouted rice and ingredient service in North America. Our commercial grade equipment provides critical quality controls for top of the line ingredients. Compared to other sprouting facilities, our systemized processes offer consistency, which is what brands are looking for. By using heat and humidityin a closed-loop pneumatic system, wecan safely and effectively initiate and control the germination and drying processes resulting in an unrivaled product. Unlike competitors that sproutby soaking, our system avoids riskfor error, creating a more consistent, scalable and highe
Product attributes
Product details
Place of processing
United States
Origin of main ingredient
Origin of main ingredient
Packaging formats