Smart B2B Matchmaking
Connecting the right Buyers with the right Suppliers.
Barcelona – 22nd to 25th April 2025
Dubai – 24th to 27th November 2025
Year of creation
Year of creation
DIVAS drink has been pioneering innovations within healthy beverage industry.
We have always been passionate about bringing the wind of change into beverage sector. To create new innovative beverages made of natural ingrediences which meet even hardest criteria of a healthy lifestyle beautifuly packed with elements of simple yet modern design.
Our company motto delivers the message at best:
Year of creation
Year of creation
TEAOLOGY is a skincare line based on a new patented technology that allows us to substitute water with the purest teas infusions in all our products, this simply means to activate the 100% of the formula, being tea itself one of the richest sources of antioxidant active ingredients available in nature.
Our concept of Beauty is quite natural and we perfectly fit in the CLEAN BEAUTY trend that today represents the most important emerging sector in our industry,
Thanks to our innovation and to the highest quality of our formulations we managed in just three years to be distributed with leading Retailers in about 20 markets around the globe such as, just to name a few, Douglas in Eastern Europe, Harvey Nichols and Bloomingdales in the Gulf, Marionnaud in Austria, Sasa in Asia, Shoppers Drugmart in Canada, Coin in Italy, Mueller in the Balcan area and many more.
We believe that what is good for our health is good for the beauty of the skin too.
For this reason we have chosen to dedicate ourselves with passion to a plant that for over 5000 years has been used as a medicine for its extraordinary antioxidant and anti-inflammatory power: the Camellia Sinensis or ‘tea plant’.
Teaology has developed a patented process, unique in the world, so to extract catechins from tea and use them in its products. It’s called Tea Infusion Skincare®, a breakthrough technology using hot or cold tea leaves infusion to obtain a true elixir of youth for the skin. It’s rich in catechins, EGCG, vitamins, minerals, tannins and many other active substances.
Clinical tests in collaboration with the University of Ferrara, Italy, have proven that Tea Infusion Skincare® maintains its antioxidant power over time. The antioxidant infusion is used in every Teaology product instead of water in order to immediately make available the rich content of catechins, polyphenols and active substances so effective for the beauty of the skin.
Top 5 Key Brand Selling Points:
TEA INFUSION SKINCARE®. Thanks to our patented technology we are the only cosmetic brand in the world that can use real tea infusion instead of water in our products. Tea is naturally rich in catechins, EGCG, vitamins, minerals, tannins and many other active substances and this make our products 100% active and good for the skin.
CLEAN BEAUTY COSMETICS. Teaology skincare in inspired by nature; we use ingredients chosen on the base of their safety and biocompatibility. In none of our products you’ll ever find: paraffins, parabens, SLS, synthetic dyes, formaldehyde donors, mineral oils, ingredients of animal origin – our products are VEGAN.
RESEARCH AND INNOVATION. Innovative products in textures and packaging, our aim is to offer cosmetics with the right balance between effectiveness, naturalness and sensoriality.
CLINICALLY PROVEN EFFICACY. We use the highest percentages of active ingredients at ideal pH levels, sinergically combined with non-sensitizing ingredients. All products are clinically tested to grant safety and tolerability on every skin type.
MADE IN ITALY. Our products are designed, tested and produced in Italy. We take no short cuts to save money and we do not make compromises on the quality of raw materials and of the production process.
Year of creation
Year of creation
Verwerkaf Kaffee Veredelungs Werk S.p.A. was set up in 1961 operating from the very beginning in the sector of decaffeination on behalf of third parties. It evolved and expanded immediately and this activity was sided by many others, both in the sector of roasted coffee processing (decaffeinated and normal), ground and in beans, packed in various sizes, in the production of decaffeinated tea, in the commercialisation of low calorie sweeteners and in the production of tablets for roasted barley based drinks.
Therefore Verwerkaf sides its historical and consolidated activity in the sector of decaffeinated coffee production with an activity as coffee co-packer in great expansion and on a large range of coffee based pre-packed products.
Within the sector of coffee packs in various sizes, Verwerkaf shows a great flexibility and dynamism in meeting customer requirements by offering them products in which blending, roasting, grinding and all packing parameters have been developed to obtain what is requested by the customer. Verwerkaf is continuously committed in expanding and improving packaging possibilities, offering to our customers’ coffee brands to widen the range of products with the smallest investment possible.
Verwerkaf started its activity with a clientele made up of Italian industries, successively spreading onto foreign markets.
Since 1961 the plant has been located in Noceto, near Parma, in the place where a food processing factory was previously set.
Verwerkaf’s quality system management has obtained ISO 9001 certification since year 2000.
In year 2015 Verwerkaf has obtained IFS food 6 certification.
Our company is also certificate for organic coffee production, Fairtrade, UTZ, Rainforest, Halal and Kosher.
PRODUCT LIST (more details at request)
[1] “Espresso point” trade mark is not property of Verwerkaf Spa or related companies
[2] “Nespresso” trade mark is not property of Verwerkaf Spa or related companies
[3] “Dolce Gusto” trade mark is not property of Verwerkaf Spa or related companies
Year of creation
Year of creation
Gala Cosmeticici was established in 2004 in the town of Forlì, near Bologna, as a private label manufacturer of natural and organic certified cosmetics. The company's mission is to develop innovative, high quality and affordable natural cosmetics with an important focus on sustainability, transparent information and communication and respect of corporate social responsibility. In addition to private label projects, Gala Cosmetici has 5 own skin and body care brands: Bionova, Delidea, Bio Happy, Amaflora and Oyuna, distributed in mass market channels, perfume shops and natural shops. All our products are 100% Made in Italy, manufactured following strict standards and certifications: UNI EN ISO 9001:2008, UNI EN ISO 22716:2008, CCPB, NATRUE, Italian Ethical Business certification
Myosotis srl started in 1998 to operate on the market with ORISING, a professional haircare range based on natural active principles of high concentration. Our aim has always been to offer to the market of trichological beauty culture phytoessential products of high professionalism. The brand has quickly developed its market in 40 countries, in European Community and out of Europe, including Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Saudia Arabia, Kuwait, Singapore, Australia.
Our products are always at the forefront and are sold successfully at the hair clinics, trichological centers, high level hairdressers salons, pharmacies and perfumeries and their quality is appreciated all over the world.
Our philosophy is based on prevention offering customizable treatments based on many years of scientific research mainly focused on use of officinal plants. The active principles contained in our products are in fact natural and then dermis-compatible; this means the percentage of assimilation of the products is very good. For company policy, the products are not animal tested and they are studied in total respect of the environment. Starting this year, we are on the market even with ORISING SKIN CARE, our new luxury range with hyaluronic acid of different molecular weight and phytoextracts from organic farming.
Year of creation
Year of creation
Starting originally as an Independent Calvados bottler, 30&40 was created in 2016 by three spirits aficionados dedicated to defend the unfairly forsaken Normand cider brandies.
30&40’s mission is to put forward Calvados unique diversity and savoir-faire and to bring authentic Norman spirits to the world best bars and restaurants and to modern drinkers.
Double Jus was our first success and remains our spearhead. We wanted to bring back an authentic French terroir apéritif : superior quality, artisanal, low-sugar, low-alcohol, intense flavor.
Herbivore is vegan food manufacturer, that specialise in vegan and ''free-from'' snacks (kale chips, broccoli chips, apple chips, vegan jerky, raw vegan coconut cookies, raw chocolates and raw chocolate panned items, date balls); Raw vegan cereal lines (porridges, granolas) and various other cold chain items such as meat-free burger patties, cashew nut mylks, cashew ice-creams, cashew yoghurt, vegan honey, vegan mayonaisse, chia pudding - all lines are vegan.
Year of creation
Year of creation
Almagreen is a family-run company with over 30 years of history in the world of cosmetics. For about 11 years we have taken a leap forward, evolving, starting to produce and becoming a real production laboratory for both third parties.
Based in the heart of Valle d’Itria in beautiful Puglia, over the years we have evolved improving and transforming our production.
Over time we have expanded the range of products and thanks to customer requests and market needs, we have specialized in natural and GREEN cosmetics. We have been working closely with Italian organic certification bodies for some years now and guarantee a controlled and certified supply chain.
The wide range of products available allows us to work in multiple sectors and in different sales channels. The beating heart of Almagreen is certainly the professional and resale skin care, but we have also expanded our offer in the tricologic area for resale, tanning, physiotherapy, menswear and body cleansing. Every year the company with the Almagreen brand puts on the market new products designed to meet the needs of an increasingly demanding clientele.
The company profile is completed by the PRIVETE LABEL and the support that our team makes available to the customer helping him for the entire duration of the relationship, providing those consultancies and "indispensable services" to optimize and consolidate the business relationships created.
We establish and create a real partnership by constantly making our marketing consulting team and cosmetologist formators available to support the customer in every step of his project.
The sales leaders of ALMAGREEN are:
RESPONSIBILITY: We feel responsible for the products that our customers use for their bodies and invite them to make an informed purchase. This is why we provide a consulting and purchasing orientation service that accompanies customers in taking care of themselves.
EXPERIMENTATION: Before arriving on the market, each production lot is tested on our body. We know the compositions of the products and the benefits by heart; with years of experience behind us, therefore, we are able to accurately anticipate the effects that they will have on the skin and we select and combine the best natural raw materials.
CONSULTING: With us you can talk whenever you want aesthetic problems because teaching them to take care of themselves is our real goal. Our company "specialist" is a beautician with 35 years of experience and is always available to solve doubts and problems on face and body care.
CRAFTSMANSHIP: Unlike industrial productions, each Almagreen lot is cared for and pampered in the artisan production workshop. This allows us to pay more attention to the composition and packaging, ensuring our customers the best for self-care.
RESPECT: Almagreen remains committed to choosing only natural or natural ingredients, thus formulating nature-based cosmetics that are skin-friendly and biodegradable.
Year of creation
Year of creation
Triomphe Snat is a company which was established in France since 35 years. The firm is an importer and distributor of snacks and beverages and aims to bring new products to the French market.
The company also created its own brand, Too Good, which offers a wide variety of healthy snacks.
Triomphe Snat is looking for suppliers for its sweet and savory grocery and drinks categories.
Under the sweet category, the company is looking for snacks such as candy and biscuits and for the savory category, the company is sourcing for suppliers of appetizers, chips and other snacks.
Under the drinks category, Triomphe Snat wishes to work with suppliers of soft drinks.
The company wants to partner with international brands which can bring innovative and healthy products to the French market. Triomphe Snat current partners include Arnott’s, Mani, Biosaurus, Cape Cod, Vegee, Hello Panda and many others.
Year of creation
Year of creation
Un nom irrévérencieux, une gamme gourmande, une composition clean et une plante d'avenir: What The Hemp!, le pouvoir est dans nos assiettes !
Granolas, cookies, barres, bouchées apéro, pâtes à tartiner, infusion CBD, huiles CBD,... bio, végan, sans conservateur, sans additif... autant de gourmandises chanvrées dont on ne fait qu'une bouchée sans culpabilité :)
What The Hemp! est une foodtech française, spécialiste du chanvre, avec une proposition de valeur unique de produits « prêt à consommer », sains et gourmands, issus de la culture biologique française.
Fondée sur une vision optimiste, notre mision est de cultiver le futur et apporter du bien-être en capitalisant sur les bénéfices nutritionnels et écologiques du chanvre, et en rendant sa consommation accessible au plus grand nombre.
Naturellement écologique et super-aliment par excellence, nous avons la conviction que c'est une plante d'avenir qui peut contribuer à répondre aux enjeux de notre société.
Les récentes catastrophes climatiques sont des signaux très forts de l'urgence d'agir. Un des premiers leviers d'action citoyenne c'est le mieux manger. En effet, l'alimentation est le premier secteur responsable du changement climatique. Au niveau mondial, elle représente 28%¹ des émissions de gaz à effet de serre, 70%² de la consommation en eau potable et la majorité des déchets d'emballages.
Nous répondons ainsi à la demande croissante des consommateurs conscients de l’impact de leur alimentation sur leur santé et l’environnement.
Adhérents de 1% pour la planète et de Too Good To Go, nous sommes engagés pour la protection de l'environnement et la lutte contre le gaspillage alimentaire.
What The Hemp! est une marque de Green Leaf Company.
Year of creation
Year of creation
Rebis produces Natural Cosmetics since 1977 but, as a matter of facts, dr. Roberto Mola, herbalist and formulator of every natural product of Rebis, has enhanced a vast wealth of knowledge handed down by many generations of pharmacists working continuously in his family since 1700.
Rebis boasts the certification attesting the quality of natural cosmetics made with the use of ingredients from organic farming. Other ingredients that are used are certified to a total plant origin directly to the producers of raw materials from which Rebis supplies.
Natural preservatives The biggest formulation obstacle that the Natural Cosmetics are confronting is to make sure that the products stay preserved from bacterial, fungal and oxidative contamination. Some Rebis cosmetics are preserved only with natural preservatives such as: bee propolis, essential oils, resins and specific medicinal plants. In other cases, as in Shampoos, these substances are associated with the derivatives of benzoic acid and sorbic acid naturally occurring in barley, fruit and Scandinavian sorb. Rebis natural cosmetics are free of antioxidants and synthetic dyes or artificial fragrances.
FLORY Ltd. was founded in 2003. in Krusevac as a factory for cereal based instant baby food production. Its production has been based upon the most developed, globally recognized technology. Our products have been fulfilling consumers’ expectations as well as the demands of international quality standards.
Since it is our wish to meet the needs of a modern family, regarding healthy baby food, quality became our prime business imperative. Through purchasing of the “Know-how” technology from Dr. Rainer Brown, we managed to merge experience, knowledge and the latest technological solutions related to production of quality and healthy baby food.
We applied integrated quality system, through verified and internationally acknowledged HACCP quality standard. In this way we ensured top protection of our products. At the same time, we carry out the demands of the quality standard ISO 9001:2015, as well as the environment protection standard ISO 14001:2015 which confirms that the factory does not endanger environment by its production process.
Nous élaborons depuis 2005, des jus de raisin variétaux de manière artisanale et sur le modèle d’élaboration des grands crus. En 2019, Le Vin de Cépage Bio vient rejoindre Le Jus pour répondre aux attentes des amateurs…
Notre raison d’être est de pérenniser des productions artisanales de tradition au cœur de nos terroirs, à partir de matières premières produites en agriculture biologique en France.
Cette dimension artisanale est pour nous essentielle et c’est pourquoi nous développons depuis plus de 13 ans un partenariat avec des viticulteurs-récoltants indépendants BIO, en terroir bordelais, avec des exigences de productions qu’imposent les Grands Crus.
Year of creation
Year of creation
We are specilized in producing fruit and vegetables puree, nectars and smoothies in flexible packaging such as doypack and cheerpack. This kind of packaging is innovative and practical especially for sportive or babies or superfoods. We can offer ready product to sell under our brand or clear label with your private one. Our flexibility makes us able to support the customer, tailoring a product on their request, our quality team can provide a high and specialized assistance to obtain a product that fixes at best in taste and flavor with the initial idea.
Year of creation
Year of creation
French version follows.
With 0 g sugars and 0 kcal, PLANTUS drinks are unique. They offer a real healthy refreshment alternative between waters and all existing soft and alcoholic drinks.
No sweetener, colouring or flavour added, 100% organic. No alcohol, theine or caffeine.
Real flavours only come from infused natural plants grown exclusively in France. A delicate sparkling allows to express in the mouth the natural aromatic substances of plants.
They are ultra-refreshing for a healthy hydration: as an aperitif, after the sport, for a brunch, a gourmet meal and as a digestive, or simply for a refreshing break at any time.
PLANTUS drinks are currently proposed in the French alps from Mediterranean see to Leman lake. Its marketing started few weeks ago.
They are currently available in small quantities that allow to showcase their uniqueness in premium retail stores and luxury hotels, bars and restaurants.
Avec 0 g de sucres et 0 kcal, les boissons PLANTUS sont uniques. Elles offrent une véritable alternative de rafraîchissement sain entre les eaux et toutes les boissons sans alcool sucrées existantes.
Les véritables arômes ne proviennent que de plantes naturelles infusées cultivées exclusivement en France. Une pétillance délicate permet d'exprimer en bouche les substances aromatiques naturelles des plantes.
Aucun édulcorant, colorant ou arôme ajouté, 100% bio. Pas d'alcool, de théine ou de caféine.
Elles sont ultra-rafraîchissantes pour une hydratation saine : à l'apéritif, après le sport, pour un brunch, un repas gastronomique et comme digestif, ou tout simplement pour une pause rafraîchissante à tout moment.
Les boissons PLANTUS sont actuellement proposées dans les Alpes françaises de la mer Méditerranée au lac Léman. Sa commercialisation a commencé il y a quelques semaines.
Elles sont actuellement disponibles en petites quantités. Leur caractère unique peut ainsi s’afficher dans les magasins de première qualité, les hôtels de luxe, les bars et les restaurants.
Year of creation
Year of creation
The Company Gautschi Spezialitäten AG has been producing sauces of best Swiss quality for over 40 years. A well-rehearsed team of mostly long-standing employees develops and produces a variety of fine products, which are distributed through various sales channels (retail trade, bulk consumers and food industry) worldwide. The assortment ranges from sauces to all kinds of meat fondues and grills to salad dressings and soups. Flexibility, individual attention to customer requirements and a modern infrastructure are the cornerstones of our quality philosophy. The acquired certifications according to IFS Food and ISO 9001 documents that we implement this high level on a daily basis.
Beauty Up is the owner and distributor of Enolea, an innovative organic dermo-cosmetic Brand certified by Natrue. Tuscany’s rich Nature provides the source of Enolea’s active ingredients.
At the heart of Enolea innovation there is an extraordinary discovery: the patented Enolea® complex, a synergic combination of polyphenols and biophenols (natural molecules present in grapes and olives) is able to inhibit 96.4% of free radicals, the main cause of skin ageing. The patented Enolea® complex, which is present in the whole line, offers an extraordinary overall anti-aging action.
Enolea products are 100% made in Italy by Gala Cosmetici, a manufacturing company based in Forlì, following strict standards: UNI EN ISO 9001:2008, UNI EN ISO 22716:2008 and Italian Ethical Business certification. As a plus, the whole range is tested on sensitive skins. In Italy, we currently distribute our products in organic specialized shops and perfumeries.
Year of creation
Year of creation
Based in Brussels, Euro Distri Service combines its expertise and know-how to create very strong impulse confectionnery brands such:
Year of creation
Year of creation
Belfond is a producer of artisan stocks and broths. We only use natural ingredients (bones, vegetables and herbs) and alot of time to extract all the goodness!
We have packaging for retail, food service in industrial use. Thanks to our in-depth knowledge of stocks and broths, we can devlop new products and packaging for you!
Organic and conventional production is possible!
Year of creation
Year of creation
Montefarmaco is an Italian pharmaceutical company with over 70 years of success and strong awareness in the domestic market. Montefarmaco is led by the third generation of the founding family and combines its solid tradition of quality and reliability with a strong pursuit of innovation. With more than 300 products, we cover different market segments, among others, probiotics, eye care and oral care products, vitamines, dermo cosmetics. We are actively present in more than 20 countries and our goal is to grow and expand our business all over the world by creating value for our customers and employees.
Year of creation
Year of creation
Brasserie des Gabariers is a brewery which was created in 2016 just near Cognac.
Between vineyards and cereals, in an unusual place, we produce quality products.
Our brewer like a cook chooses carefully his raw materials to offer you recipes that will delight your taste buds.
Year of creation
Year of creation
MINVINO - The World´s first collection of water carefully designed for different styles of wine.
Until now, Premium bottled water primarily describes its benefits based on their source. Minvinos benefits come from the ambition to be the best water for wine and gastronomy. With the same sense of details as an award-winning restaurant, Minvino is created to match different styles of wine. By pushing the boundaries of Premium bottled water, Minvino won World Beverage innovation award 2018 in the Premium Category.
The Swedish Wine & Water Sommelier Jeanette Fili and co-founder Petra Ranhem have together with some of the World´s best Sommeliers, and Master Blenders created the water that perfectly pairs with your wine or your wine list. All for the perfect dining experience.
Based on a Swedish pristine spring source, enhanced with natural minerals and super light carbonation, MINVINO carries and supports the taste of wine through the whole dinner experience.
In France, we partner with Eaux du Monde - a French premium water distributor.
Year of creation
Year of creation
Vanguard skin-care manufacturer of certified vegan, organic and gluten-free products.
Cosmoprof Trends award winners in Italy and USA and best new skincare line award winners in Taiwan.
Our technology inspired from the scorpion venom is patented as well as our formulas.
Eyra Cosmetics today is still a young start-up, but it already offers something very different from the usual organic cosmetic line and we keep in mind our guidelines to propose new vanguard and unusual items.
Our technology has great potential in the cosmetic and dermocosmesis markets, we are already in several countries, we have a great feedback from our partners and customers; for this reason we want to grow up and we are looking for partners able to support our market today and for the future.
Year of creation
Year of creation
Vivipharma was born more than 40years ago in Italy his core business: the creation of hair care and skincare products with high Quality and innovative active ingredients. All stages, from formulation, manufacturing, production and packaging to shipping, are carried out in our new facilities in San Marino Republic(North east Italy)
TERRVS is an Organic Farming Extra Virgin Olive Oil that arises as an expression of the land where it was born, as well as the inheritance of the generations of settlers who perfected the cultivation of olive trees in the area. Such as then, simplicity, authenticity and respect for the natural environment, are in our essence and are the main reason of TERRVS.
This Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil is a genuine olive juice, obtained by the cold pressing of olives picked very carefully, at the time when the fruits begin to ripen, and always with the maximum respect to the environment.
Our philosophy is based on getting the best possible fruits from the tree, with a suitable work in the field; And on the other hand on performing a thorough further elaboration: harvest, transport, pressing and winery.
This is our TERRVS philosophy of what should be a Unique Virgin Olive Oil.
Year of creation
Year of creation
With a 20 years extended experience in strategic marketing services linking Italy and most of the European and Eastern European countries, Target focuses on the creation, development and sales of personal care and beauty brands.
Target is a partner of leading Italian manufacturers of personal care and beauty product and we cooperate closely with them to develop quality private labels meeting the specific needs of consumers. Thanks to this long-term experience Target launched its own beauty natural brands: REISTILL & VEGETABLE BEAUTY.
Year of creation
Year of creation
With our Social Enterprise Golden Global Innovations it's our mission to empower the consumer to buy for better health and a better world.
Unhealthy lifestyles and plastic soup are global issues and iconic animals are on the brink of extinction. According to the World Health Organisation is sugary and caffeinated beverages are causing serious health problems like diabetes and obesity. Thats why we created the solution! Drinking is primal instinct, Predator Endurance drink.
Predator is the first functional drink without caffeine, Why? Because caffeine increases stress hormones in the body and disturps the heart function. Stress in the body makes you feel rushed, you don't feel good and you can't perform.
What do we use? Predator is a sparkling water with vitamins and superherbs. These superherbs are called adaptogens (adapt). They have a healing effect on the body which brings the body in balance, support endurance and reduce stress hormones in your body. With Predator you can hack your performance and feel like you can do it, like a Predator.
Predator Endurance is free from sugar, calories, caffeine, other stimulants and artificial sweeteners.
Predator is more than a drinks, With Predator we have a mission make sure people drink healthier (no sugar and caffein), reduce plastic waste (sustainable packaging) and save endangered animals with our Predator Protection Plan, with every can that we sell.
But we do more!
We believe education is the best tool for change. As part of our mission we launched our Predator Youth Program, a research project we educate students and kids about unhealthy sugar and caffeine drinks and sustainability and also give our Predator workouts and meditation lessons on schools.
With Predator we want to remind you that we are all connected with all that lives and we are part of the circle of life. If we follow our instincts and work together in a pack, we can make the world a better place. Follow your instinct, be a Predator and chase your dreams.
Year of creation
Year of creation
In just 16 years, The Hut Group (THG) has become a globally renowned end-to-end tech platform specialising in taking brands direct to consumers worldwide, powered by THG Ingenuity.
Our $1bn development over two sites at Manchester Airport is the UK’s biggest ever bespoke office project outside of London. As our new landmark business campus, THQ will span 280,000 sqft and provide up to 10,000 jobs while ICON, our content creation studio, will be over 11.6 acres with more than 2,000 staff. Work is well and truly underway, but it’s just the start of many great things to come.
Global appeal
We’re proud to own several premium skincare and beauty lines, such as ESPA and Illamasqua, as well as Europe’s number one online beauty retailer lookfantastic®. With this ownership comes a strong infrastructure which enables us to constantly make and innovate new products.
La Dispensa srl, founded in Milan - Italy, is specialized in production and retail of fine vegetal bar soaps since 1987, sold under the brand FLORINDA. Florinda is a quite well know brand now-a-day, having collaboration contract with more than 25 distributors all over the world. Our soaps are free from: colorings, preservatives, EDTA, parabens and SLS\SLES.
Year of creation
Year of creation
Lavido is a natural effective skin care company formulated with certified organic essential oils and highly concentrated active plant based ingredients.
We proudly create active natural face and body products with clinically proven effectiveness so we don’t just make claims- we make change!
Our products are dermatologically tested, vegan, Gluten-free and do not contain any parabens, mineral oil, petroleum, silicones, phenoxyethanol, propylene glycol, synthetic dyes or fragrances, alcohol, PEG, SLS .
Lavido is equally committed to cutting-edge technologies, provided they meet strict natural guidelines, such as CO2 extraction. Our oils are diffused, infused, or cold-pressed using the most natural extraction processes including mechanical extraction.
Founder & owner IDO MAGAL has always reveled in the rhythms of nature. Shortly after he created his first product- an all-natural diaper cream, Lavido was born.
What began as a homegrown business has now grown into the largest natural and organic skincare company in Israel, exporting all over the world.
Granny’s Secret is a French company which offers high quality food and beverages which are natural and free from any additives and artificial ingredients.
The company offers products under its own brand, Granny’s Secret. The firm offers jams, fruit and vegetable juices.
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Year of creation
Jho was founded in France in 2018 by Coline Mazeyrat and Dorothée Barth, (former health journalist, former marketing manager). We sell tampons, liners and pads in organic cotton by subscription on Jho means "juste et honnête" (fair & honest).
We are the first dnvb in France on this market: in only one year, jho has conquerred more than 40 000 customers online! We have 9 references, and will enlarge our range at the beginning of 2020.
Our force : organic products (GOTS certified, 100% cotton), modern and premium packagings, unique and fresh communication based on honesty and humour, and sorority : we support 4 NGOs in France and Africa that take care after women in the need.
It is time for Jho to be sold in retail shops :beauty stores, concept stores, premium supermakets.
Year of creation
Year of creation
LABORATOIRE ARILAND is a French manufacturer of Men's Grooming products for hair and beard.
Its famous brand HAIRGUM is well known through professional barbers and hairdressers, in France and worldwide.
We celebrate this year our 30th anniversary !
Our new range HAIRGUM Origines is Ecocert Organic certified as we do matter for the Planet.
Our exclusive professional formulas are made up in our own R&D Laboratory and produced in our own facilities in France.
Thanks to our full vertical integration, we have the command on the whole process, from exclusive product formulation, manufacturing process, design, marketing to distribution and logistics.
This strategy makes us a long term reliable partner for the new booming market : the Organic Men's Grooming products.
Welcome in our world...
Year of creation
Year of creation
FEED. is a complete meal, perfectly balanced, for those who don’t have the time, the opportunity or the desire to cook. Feed. recipes are vegan, gluten free & lactose-free, made in France and composed of only high-quality and natural ingredients. Our products, bars and bottles are both convenient and affordable. Feed. quickly became one of the biggest startup successes in recent French history. With several million meals sold, the most reputable investors were eager to invest in Feed. Launched in January 2017 by Anthony Bourbon Feed. has enjoyed 3 successive rounds of investment: €500K, €3M and €15M. Feed. is revolutionising the food industry and in doing so is breaking all kinds of records.
Little Food is a cricket breeding and mealworm and grasshopper processing facility. We play a very important role in the european edible insect market. We provide our client with a wide range of insect based ingredients, regulatory and marketing advices.
Year of creation
Year of creation
Tribal Active Nutrition - discover the power of baobab.
100% Natural and Organic Active Nutrition for Performance and Wellness with a focus on optimum Gut Health
On-the-Go Nutrition System Powered by the Amazing Baobab Fruit!
Quality natural, organic, and sustainably sourced ingredients, blended together to pack a nutrient-dense and nourished punch in every pouch!
Year of creation
Year of creation
Baylis & Harding is a family run British brand offering, high quality, affordable luxury for every occasion and each room in the home. Established in 1970 in the heart of England.
Beautifully packaged, beautifully made and beautifully fragranced. Gorgeous products that look and feel like a treat, but don’t cost the earth.
Baylis & Harding is the UK number one ladies gift brand delivering over 25% sales growth year on year and we continue to focus on driving value into the categories.
Year of creation
Year of creation
Behind BIG Power are three young, ambitious sister from south-eastern Styria: Katharina, Laura and Klara Habel. They have been PIG farmers with a passion for many generations. They have great experience in ham and meat production and not only focus on freshness and origin, but also on quality, above all. Their idea is pretty simple: they pay attention to “good” nutrition, this means: great taste, high quality and healthy food with moral and ethical flawless background. Because of this principles the sisters created BIG Power and combine lifestyle, a spirit of adventure and great courage.
Year of creation
Year of creation
Kanaan is Croatia's largest snack products manufacturer.
Currently we're producing private label products for over 20 retail chains in Croatia, and many more in Europe.
Trust in the quality of our products is growing daily, which is why we are expanding our business to our own „Kanaan“ brand of snack products. We are the first company in Croatia to procure the means to manufacture Hand Cooked Chips, we also produce Dry roasted peanuts, Classic potato chips, Corn flips, Popcorn and healthy products Rice snack and Popcorn chips.
That is why our goal is to supply our customers with premium quality snacks for an affordable price. Kanaan brand offers freshly made chips from high quality locally grown potatoes.
Can you find a better deal for a lower price?
Organic, plant-based, functional foods for people with an active lifestyle.
Year of creation
Year of creation
The Ölmühle Oberschwaben GmbH - as a related company to Dreher Agrarrohstoffe GmbH - is specialized in producing Organic Oils for the Food-, Babyfood- and Cosmetics-Industry. At the companies headquarter we are also producing organic presscakes and organic protein flours for Food- and Animal Feed Industry.
Especially the possibility to produce completely according to own ideas or the special wishes of our customers is a personal concern of Berthold Dreher, founder and owner of the Dreher-Group. Due that we attach particular importance to high-quality raw materials and produce only in the gentle cold pressing process to preserve the valuable ingredients in the organic oils.
The Ölmühle Oberschwaben is exclusively working according to EU Organic regulations and international organic associations, such as Demeter, Naturland, Bioland or Biokreis. All our liseted products are also avalable in standart EU-Organic qualitiy.
Looking forward to Collaboration with your esteemed company
We have best quality JAM AND HAZENUT CREAM AND HELVA in Turkey,
DOGTAT GIDA URETIM SAN. TIC. A.S. is one of the leading manufacturer so Our main goal was to manufacture products acccording to the international standards as well as progress in quality policies and continoues success. We are exporting to more than 40 countries worldwide but we have Lebanon agent The company is certified via ISO 22000 2005 – ISO 140012015 – ISO 9001 2015 Quality Management and HACCP Food Safety Systems which are re-issued every 3 years . We are also under audit for FSCC 22000 and FDA number is 10580640880. In order to have detailed of our company and the products please visit our web site; Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Thanking you for your kind interest
Yours sincerely
AYSE KOC EXPORT DEPARTMENT DOGTAT GIDA URETIM SAN. TIC. A.S A:Gaziler Mah.İstiklal Cad.No:32 Köseköy-Kartepe/Kocaeli Phone&Fax: +90 262 373 2041 -42
Cell:+90532 3252058 Email:
Year of creation
Year of creation
We are the first french perfume house entirely dedicated to natural ingredients.
Less Marketing, more perfume
At 100BON there is no brand ambassador, no expensive advertising operation, no useless over packaging. Our bottles are the same for every product and refillable.
The right price
Thanks to that, we can practice fair prices allowing most of people to buy hight quality and natural perfumes.
Our product are cruelty free.
Our product are certified VEGAN
World is changing, we must reinvent perfumery !
Let me introduce you the latest collection of premium tasty drinks created by L’Ode and made in France. L’Ode is a story, a concept combining two significant values for your institution: The wonderful taste and the estheticism of a biological and 100% natural product made with new flavors. Why should you choose l’Ode to broaden your offer ? • Taste: L’Ode has been the first drink to put together some fruits such as figs, dates and mint to create amazing new flavors. We offer a range of 3 premium tasty drinks to be served as a soft drink or with meals and desserts. For example, some of our customers serve L’Ode with Foie Gras, meats or pastries. It is even possible to create new cocktails with our juices! This range of innovative juices enables you to discover unique flavors. Some of our collaborations: Four Seasons Hotels - Cellérier Les Halles – Cellérier Confluence- Cuisine et dépendance - Toques blanches lyonnaises - le Crystal Paris – Premium caterers - Emirates Palace Abu Dhabi - Bernachon from September 2018 – Lounges Paris airport) • Estheticism: L’Ode is a unique juice that needs a special container that is why we have worked to design our bottle. The shape of the elegant bottle reminds a Champagne bottle. Engraving directly on the bottle (Glass serigraphy) makes L’Ode a very premium drink with an extreme refinement which is something seldom for a non-alcoholic beverage. The second method used, Satin-finishing (polishing) provides to our bottle a style like the one of premium spirits. The shape of our bottle reminds a model. This was demonstrated during the Paris Fashion Week where our products met designers and celebrities. (Introduction to Miss China – a former President of the Republic - Yachts - Lisi Liu Fashion Show 2017 Paris – Lanvin) • Health: L’Ode is a 100% natural juice certified biological created with a special berry well-known for its benefits by nutritionists: The date. Its therapeutic virtues are wide thanks to antioxidants. Moreover, the juice provides a natural energy intake with a high content in magnesium and potassium that is why our drinks have a very positive effect on heart rate. Of course, L’Ode is made without any preservatives nor added sugar.
Year of creation
Year of creation
Nestlé Waters is the water division of Nestlé dedicated to healthy hydration, committed to enhancing quality of life and contributing to a healthier future. Today, we have 82 production facilities in 30 countries and a portfolio of 49 unique brands. This makes us the #1 bottled water company worldwide. Among the 49 brands the most iconic and worldwide renowened are S.Pellegrino and Acqua Panna, our Premium International brands coming from Italy and distributed in more than 140 countries.
Year of creation
Year of creation
Embrace Health is an importer and exporter of cosmetics based in Jordan. Founded in 2014, the business started by importing products from different Italian cosmetics brands and later, started to develop its own formulations and products. The firm also runs 1 shop in Jordan.Embrace Health operates 5 offices in Jordan, New York, Italy, Bahrain and KSA.
The business distributes to customers in Jordan and the Middle East. Embrace Health serves around 800 pharmacies and medical centres and has around 200000 customers.
Embrace Health has won 3 international awards including Success Business Story award by the University of Jordan.
Embrace Health offers products in the personal care category from various brands and also launched its own labels:
Embrace Health is also involved in the community. The firm has trained over 3000 pharmacists working for community pharmacies so that they can help and educate people.
Moreover, Embrace Health also organises workshops for pharmacy students and events for customers. The business works with different NGOs.
Coffee, Chocolate and Tea beverages manufacturer in revolutionary Self-Heating Can.
Our company, Barony Universal Plc, is the largest independent aerosol producer in UK. We are part of Arnest Group. Our factory is located in Irvine, Scotland and certified by all major international standards. We produce different types of aerosols for personal care and household. We make contract filling and private label for biggest international companies and retail stores. We also produce own branded products.
Year of creation
Year of creation
We sell frozen White, Brown and Whole wheat bread without crust. Please Check the following link to see a short video of our product:
Our products help clients to reduce costs and increase sales, allowing to create new products from it. It is not a product to replace the regular loaf but a type of bread to make new products.
Is a different concept in bread. Its crust free 10 inch by 10 inch thinly sliced bread is ideal for the client for making different types of products, toasted or grilled, perfect for catering: wraps, French Canapés, appetizers, delicious Pizza-Bread, Sushi Bread Rolls, Tea sandwich, Club sandwich, Spanish tapas, Italian Bruschetta, Panini, Tramezzino Sandwiches and more. The bread is thin, yet holds together so well it can be rolled into beautiful sushi-style rolls. The differences between this Bread and normal sliced bread make it a more versatile product.
As you can see, it has no comparable peer in the food industry today. There is no larger type of bread in the market. Its huge size allows clients to make products much faster than with regular bread, saving labor costs and minimizing waste. These large slices can be spread then cut to make eight, nine or twelve sandwiches at once; fast and delicious for catering, delis, and large scale commercial use, reducing the handmade cost.
Year of creation
Year of creation
As one of the leading Doctor’s developed, cosmeceutical brand, we are committed to prevent skin damage, protect healthy skin and repair the existing signs of premature photo ageing.
Founded by leading, London’s Harley Street, cosmetic surgeon Dr Luca Russo, MD, Dr Russo SPF Expert encapsulates 25 years of clinical expertise in anti-ageing with a breakthrough skincare regime that reduces UV exposure, increases SPF consumer compliance and repairs premature ageing. Dr Russo’s philosophy is protection of the skin with broad spectrum SPF 30 sunscreens and ultra potent antioxidants early in the morning and though out the day, followed by reversal agents that stimulate new collagen production and repair all signs of photo ageing in the evening. Based on an exclusive, globally patented, wash on technology and delivery system, Dr Russo Sun Protective skincare features the first Facial Cleanser with broad-spectrum SPF 30 UV sunscreen, the most advanced anti-ageing Sun Protective All Day Paint Brush Moisturiser with SPF 30 that provides 10 hrs. continuous sun protection with a single application, the exclusive antioxidant Sun Protective All Day Paint Brush Eye Cream with SPF 30 that provides 10 hrs. continuous sun protection with a single application, a Night Repair Exfoliating Cleanser, a Pulsating LED Derma-roller to stimulate collagen production and enhance penetration of active ingredients and the most potent Night Repair Serum enriched with vitamins and retinol plus.
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Year of creation
Actiph is Europe's first and only alkaline ionised water. Our purified spring water is infused with electrolytes and supercharged through ionisation to create a smooth tasting alkaline water at pH9 or higher (bottled at pH9.8).
Founded by ultra-endurance athlete and 7 time Guinness World Record holder, Jamie Douglas-Hamilton, Actiph is the No. 1 selling water in the health channel in the UK and is leading the growth of this new category in Europe.
Alkaline ionised water was first launched in Japan by the Ministry of Health for those with poor gut health due to its proven ability to improve and reverse the effects of IBS, Krones and reflux. With growing global awareness of the wide ranging benefits of alkaline water, the segment is one of the fastest growing beverage categories in the world, estimated to be worth $4.3bn by 2023.
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Year of creation
We develop, produce and sell organic food for and to international retailers. Our assortment contains over 600 products, to which we add several innovations each year. This assortment is divided under five different own brands: Smaakt, BioToday, RAW Organic Food, Consenza (glutenfree) and Seamore (seaweed products).
Some keywords of our assortment: 100% organic, 90% + vegan, 100% free from refined sugar, Glutenfree, perfect mix between high quality essentials and innovations.
We advice on category management and shelf planning. Together with a retail partner we develop the organic and healthy category of their store to make sure they have a profitable and customized assortment.
We currently export to 25 countries globally. We are market leader in organic and health food in the Benelux. Our main partners are Ahold / Delhaize Group, Jumbo, Carrefour and Casino Group.
Quality is of significant importance to us. In combination with sustainability, quality is the basis of the business operations. From that perspective, we have the following certificates: IFS, BRC, SKAL and B-corp.
Year of creation
Year of creation
We are a handicraft and wholesale and retail company of natural cosmetics. If we also extract snail mucus for some of our products, we specialize in vegetable compositions, macerates, oils, powder butters, and we focus our efforts so that our products are as responsible as natural. We have developed a range of solid products such as shampoos, deodorants, or toothpaste, which allow to have compact products and very concentrated in natural active ingredients. We use packagings infinitely recyclable (varnished aluminum, glass), and when we use plastic, it must be recyclable (PET). Although being a small family structure, our commitments have retained our customer base, it is retail or wholesale. We have an adaptability that allows us to manufacture also in white label and in larger quantities when needed.
Nous sommes une société d'artisanat et de vente en gros et au détail de cosmétiques naturels. Si nous faisons aussi de l'extraction de mucus d'escargot pour quelques uns de nos produits, nous sommes spécialisés dans les compositions végétales, macérats, huiles, beurres poudres, et nous concentrons nos efforts afin que nos produits soient aussi responsables que naturels. Nous avons développé une gamme de produits solides tels que les shampoings, les déodorants, ou encore le dentifrice, qui permettent d'avoir des produits compacts et très concentrés en principes actifs naturels. Nous utilisons des packagings recyclables à l'infini (alu verni, verre), et quand nous utilisons le plastique, celui-ci doit être recyclable (PET).Bien qu'étant une petite structure familiale, nos engagements ont fidélisés notre clientèle, qu'elle soit au détail ou en gros. Nous avons une capacité d'adaptation qui nous permet de fabriquer aussi en marque blanche et dans de plus grandes quantités en cas de besoin.
MyBrazil Factory is a french startup specialized in cold pressed juices 100% natural. To preserve all vitamins and nutrients, fruits and vegetables are first cold pressed and then stabilized with HPP (High Pressure Processing). Thanks to HPP our juices can be preserve for 30 days stored between 0 and 4 degrees.
At MyBrazil Factory we want to offer the best fresh juice at our consumers wich stay affordable.
Our recipes are unique and are a free trip directly to Brazil.
Year of creation
Year of creation
Jean & Len A tiny moment grows large
Jean & Len was born out of the idea of doing things in a different way to the big cosmetics companies. Our trademark: irresistible designs and carefully selected ingredients, because “what touches you becomes part of you” – of that we are convinced!
All our products are manufactured in Germany, which means: no-fuss, vegan, without parabens, silicones or mineral oil-based ingredients. Available in approximately 5,000 drugstores in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, our products appeal to a broad spectrum of men and women aged between 25 and 50, and to young families who place a high value on quality.
Year of creation
Year of creation
RHYTHM108 re-invents your favourite treats, using only organic, gluten-free ingredients.
Our brand speaks to the new generation, where purpose, meaning, and well-being matter.
In a fast-moving and complicated world, we take a minute and simplify. Our brand not only represents products but also a way of life. We understand indulgence and well-being, and we use our 30 years combined patisserie experience to reflect both in our recipes. We serve customers in one of the fastest growing categories: better-for-you products. We reinvent products customers already know, but with nutritional ingredients
HERITAGE FOOD BRANDS offers you a range of premium assortments in sweet and salted snacking.
Caluwé Artisan produces more than 50 years artisanal pralines based on craftmanship, quality and sustainability. All fillings are produced in house so we can fulfill almost all private label necessities. Flexibility is our strength.
This also applies to our assortment of cheese biscuits of Roka based on puff pastry where we work already 70 years with real matured cheeses.
Our assortment of sweet biscuits from Maison Bruyère also testifies to more than 50 years of craftsmanship and is only produced with the best natural ingredients. Caramel of Isigny, salt of the Guérande, the best almond nuts,....
BRC and IFS certificates depend on product range.
As trend explorers, our collective has a thirst for innovation, new experiences, culture and events.
Our new structure is operating as a start up, with the ambition to discover the diamond in the rough by using our global portfolio.
Biotonique is a company of a human scale composed of Beatrice, Anna, Tara who are the soul of the brand. This 100% female team - coming from a background of aesthetics, cosmetics, marketing and journalism reflects the positive and constructive atmosphere Beatrice, the founder wanted when she founded the company. Each member of the team brings her strength, and together converge towards the same direction: transparency for the consumers, respect for their well-being as well as that for the planet.
Fervent defenders of animals and nature lovers, the Biotonique team puts its brains to work to find over time the best solutions for a consumption that is sustainable and aligns with the values of market players today.
The Norwegian company Jacu is passionated about their coffee and tea. Their focus lies on the quality of their production and bringing this quality to the different coffee shops and cafes throughout Norway with whom they work together. Their motto: "quality, all the way to the cup".
Jacu is now ready to export and start filling the cups all around Europe with their beautiful packaging.
Next to their Conventional range they have a wide range of Organic products.
Year of creation
Year of creation
We have 3 wineries in property, 2 wineries in the DO Ribeiro and one winery in the DO Valdeorras. We produce about 4 mln bottles every year and we are based in Galicia. Viña Costeira is a very known brand in Spain as we have been making wines for 51 years and we produce 95% whites and only 5% reds. For the whites we work with grape varieties like Treixadura, Albariño, Loureiro, Godello, Torrontes.
Year of creation
Year of creation
Carib Fruits is a fruit transformation company that has existed for 21 years now . In 1997 , we opened one of the first fruit ripening facility / maturation compound in Martinique that supplied professionals and consumers with bananas at a specific /selected maturation stage (for a precise use).
This activity and the ripening process still go on to this day. In addition to that, it has enabled us to develop an expertise in fruits transformation, especially in the evolution of the fruit in time. This knowledge has led to several years of research and diversification which had the objective of creating a new type of fruit snacks. These snacks called PETAL’S are thins layers which combine maturation and drying to have a crunchy and light texture similar to traditional potato chips but with the health benefits of the fruits. They are the result of a unique, and innovative process. Our products (that also include other ranges such as the FRUITS ONLY or the TRUFFLE’S N’ FRUIT which have a different level of maturation/drying) are a healthier/natural alternative to traditional snacking and their puffed texture is surprisingly original. They also have the additional advantages of being served as aperitifs, culinary ingredients, plate decorations or even in desserts (as crumbles, toppings, in cake bases etc…) Our unique process which is innovative has won the 1st Prize “Grand Innovation Prize”.
All of our products are without additives, coloring, conservative agents or gluten which places them in the heart of the actual consumer trends changes (responsible consumption). In addition, our packaging is intelligent and ecological (the materials can be recycled) which was a must for natural, environmentally conscious products such as ours. Our geographical position and the favourable climate of the caribbean gives us a priviledged access to very high quality fruit resources which perfectly meets EU standards /regulations (since Martinique is a French territory and in the EU) Our aim is to valorize these tropical fruits (and vegetables) by producing premium products to bring the best out of the Caribbean directly to your customers. The demand for healthy/fruity products is on the rise and our objective is to make our offer available for this increasing demand as said in our slogan
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Year of creation
Specialized in Herbs & Spices and adjacent categories like fix-products, flavours, soups, sauces, etc.
Health Food & Nutraceuticals company based in Australia.
Year of creation
Year of creation
Foucade is a Parisian House founded in 2015 by Marjorie Fourcade. After 2 years of Research & Development with famous French and Japanese Pastry Chefs, nutritionists and food engineers, she invented and popularized the concept of “positive pastry”, which uses the same techniques than French pastry but with natural, unprocessed and plant-based ingredients.
Positive pastries are well known and appreciated by athletes, models, people with a particular diet or any gourmet wiling to discover something new and different.
Year of creation
Year of creation
SIS Industries LTD is a major producer in the Bulgarian alcoholic beverage industry, with its large portfolio of middle and premium brands marketed and distributed in more than 20 countries.
The Group which employees more than 1000 people, has an extensive portfolio that spans three business segments: spirits, wines and liqueurs.
The constantly growing portfolio covers a range of sectors and markets: it represents a balanced range of brands designed for different market segments with varying levels of profitability.
SIS Industries LTD has its own distillery, which is among the largest and most modern refineries for distillates and grain alcohol, not only in Bulgaria but in the Balkans.
A strong platform, expansion on new strategic markets and sharper focus describes the platform of the company. SIS Industries LTD's mission is to become a well-known player in the global spirits industry by combining passion for brand building with entrepreneurial flair and functional excellence.
Buy Kenyan Tea is a company founded by a female entrepreneur in Mombasa, Kenya. With a passion for tea and an ever growing demand for Kenya's Green Gold, Christine saw an opportunity to seek out existing and new tea markets with an emphasis to position Kenyan tea as a single origin commodity.
What does BKT specialise in?
1. CTC Black Tea Bulk Blended Tea (Infrastructure for making special blends is available) 2. Direct sales of Orthodox and Specialty Tea
Straight-line Tea (Pure Kenyan Tea) and unblended teas straight from the factory
3. Private label Timely shipping and courier delivery services. Communication with our clients throughout the process is at the centre of our operations.
Year of creation
Year of creation
Since its foundation in 1950 Cantina Danese Srl has been a family owned winery. We produce 20 mln bottles a year of entry-level & medium priced wines with unbeatable value for money.
The modern winery is located in Soave DOC area in Veneto region.
Company’s capital: 1.232.000 euros
Employees: 26 people
Cellar’s capacity: 60.000 hectolitres
Cellar’s surface : 6562 sq.m
Capability: We possess 2 modern bottling lines : one is capable of packing 6,000 bottles per hour and another 9000 bottles per hour. These lines are capable of filling both still and sparkling wines. A number of different bottle shapes and sizes as well as cork & screw-cap closures in 12 or 6 pack cartons can be accommodated.
Laboratory: we have a fully fitted out laboratory on site for the purposes of micro and chemical testing. This ensures our wines meet our high standards consistently.
Q.A. Standards: Cantina Danese Srl operates a state-of-art bottling facility that adheres to the highest of world Quality Assurance Standards - HACCP, International Food Standard (IFS) and British Retail Consortium Standard (BRC). We combine these high standards with Lean Manufacturing principles and high-efficiency bottling lines including the integration of multiple robotic systems into the process.
Key price bracket: 1.50 – 5.00 euro
Nowdays we are able to produce a diverse and complete range of wines with strong regional (VENETO) focus:
IGT Veneto/Venezie : Chardonnay, Garganega, Pinot Noir, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Corvina “Appassimento”
Veneto DOC/DOCG: Soave, Pinot Grigio, Pinot Grigio Rose, Bardolino, Bardolino Chiaretto, Valpolicella, Valpolicella Ripasso, Amarone .
Sparkling wines: Lessini Durello DOC brut, Blanc de Blancs millesimato extra-dry, Rosè millesimato extra dry
Frizzante wines: Prosecco DOC, Garda DOC, Lambrusco IGT Emilia (amabile)
wines from other Italian regions: Sicily, Abruzzi, Tuscany, Apulia, Emilia Romagna:
Montepulciano D'Abruzzo DOC, Nero D'Avola DOC Sicilia, Chianti DOCG, Primitivo IGT Puglia, Vino Rosso D’Italia (Primitivo/Negroamaro), Sangiovese IGT Puglia,
We have small, medium and large clients in all market sectors including specialist retailers, supermarkets, wholesalers, restaurant groups and internet based businesses. We supply companies throughout the Europe, USA, Asia.
Cantina Danese Srl is also a major supplier to the Buyer’s Own Brand market.
We have supplied own-label wines to some of Europe’s largest supermarket groups for over 20 years: Tesco, Aldi, Carrefour, Asda UK, Billa, Jeronimo Martins and others. The advantage of working with Cantina Danese Srl is that we are the producer, not a middleman. Since we are specialists in contract bottling and private label production (80% of our total production), you benefit from our resources and technical expertise. We have the depth of experience to produce large and small runs correctly, efficiently and on time.
With over 70 years in business we’ve earned an excellent reputation for our varied wine portfolio and our customers come back time & again.
We are more than just a bottler of wine; we are a business partner who encourages and enjoys long standing relationships with our customers. And we never compromise on quality!
Customers large and small are most welcome!
Providing You With the Very Best of 100% Natural Healthy Foods
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Year of creation
Virgo is a 100% New Zealand owned and operated nutrition company with an international focus.
We’re combining the best ingredients, people and technology to produce exceptional quality nutritional products for a growing world.
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Year of creation
The best way to eat healthy food is to cook it!! At Cutie Pie SAS we developp cooking and baking kits concepts.
- Cutie Pie and Minichef brands are targeting kids with fun baking kits seasonnal (Christmas, Easter, Halloween) and non-seasonal focus (Unicorn, Dinosaure...)
- Mes Petites recettes: with a taste of each Frecnh Region discover Mes petites recettes de Bourgogne with a range of baking kits including Chocolate cake and Blackcurrent coulis
- Kit and Cook is our latest concept: the right amount of raw, organic and tasty ingredients to prepare hazelnut and chocolate spread or granola, or banana bread or little salty snacks - recipes can also be vegan
Year of creation
Year of creation
Stepanow sro, based in Slovakia near Kosice, is an Italian-Slovakian Joint-venture, producing and bottling typical Italian liquers as well as Slovakian products like vodka, slivovica, Rum etc. and distributing in IT,SK,CZ,HU,RO,BG LT
Year of creation
Year of creation
Trapeza LLC produces international vegan convenience food. We are located in Odessa, Ukraine, where we have two production facilities, and a third one near Kiev. Currently we are producing under our brand name, but are also interested in private label.
Food company looking for private label manufacturers.
Eco, 100% natural, wholesome food. No refined or artificial ingredients.
Year of creation
Year of creation
Lightinderm was created by Géraldine Decaux and Pr Jean-Alexis Grimaud MD, in Cochin Hospital - Paris, France in 2013. The purpose of Lightinderm is to bring home latest dermatologists' technologies to empower women and men to take into their hands the health and future of their skin. They developed a high-tech home use skin care system, combining device and serum capsules to deeply rejuvenate skin and treat skin issues that are not addressed by current dermo-cosmetics solutions.
Lightinderm's scientific team has led 9 years of research - 450+ pre-clinical experiments, 10 clinical studies - to evidence unique combinations of LED lights and synergies with dermatologic ingredients that bring superior benefits in skin care. They have already been granted 43 patents and 2 scientific publications.
Those cutting technologies are embarked in an easy-to-use premium device that can be associated with 6 different capsules of serums, for an advanced self-care protocol of only 3' a day, every day :
Lightinderm addresses active women and men looking for premium skin care treatments with unprecedented and long-lasting efficiency, to be used as stand-alone or complementary to the dermatological / aesthetic care. Once equipped with the device, they will repurchase their serum capsules every month (alla Nespresso), and will navigate through the various programs over time based on their evolutive needs.
Superior skin benefits are supported by thorough clinical studies on each program, as well as on-going observational studies led by dermatologists with their patients - a unique warranty for consumers satisfaction.
Lightinderm keeps leading extensive research programs on light benefits, to market additional programs for face / body care in the coming years (dark spots, scars …)
Since its commercial launch in France in late 2020, Lightinderm has been commercialized through its own e-commerce platform, aesthetic doctors & dermatologists, premium day spas & wellness centers, pharmacies as well as luxury department store (Le Bon Marché, Paris). A superior customer care service is a must to educate and retain demanding consumers.
Lightinderm Device is assembled in Soissons, France; capsules and serum are produced near Lyon region, France.
Year of creation
Year of creation
Founded in November 2015 by Lucile Battail, Laboté is based in France. The company, one of its kind, is the first beauty lab which offers products that are tailored to an individual consumer’s needs and which are created from medicinal plants. Laboté assures a transformed method of production, providing healthy and efficient goods.
Furthermore, the business also offers free consultation with regards to hormonal acne, dark circles & puffiness, menopause, etc. The consultation can be booked via video call or in-store.
Currently, the business employs around 20 people.
There are several products offered in the personal care category such as skincare products including cleanser, lotions, creams, eye contour, mask, etc.
Laboté produces its private label under the company name, which includes goods for body care, targeted care, and many more.
The ingredients used in the products are fresh, 100% healthy and have a reduced shelf-life of 3 months. Parabens, listed preservatives, silicones, PEGs, etc, are ingredients that are avoided completely in the production of Laboté’s skincare.
Additionally, the company offers worldwide delivery, with shipping costs at € 6 for orders less than € 70 in France. Free delivery is also provided for orders above € 70.
In order to minimise waste of skincare products, Laboté launched the Beauty Hack Campaign in which customers were allowed to bring back their old glass jars so that they could be disinfected and repacked with a formula prepared on-site.
Year of creation
Year of creation
Les Miraculeux, c’est une nouvelle gamme de compléments alimentaires :
Plus d'informations sur la société et son fondateur ? Qui sommes nous ?
Plus d'informations sur nos ingrédients et formules ? Ingrédients
I work within our new business development sector for SHOW Beauty, a premium, luxury haircare brand owned by Tamara Ecclestone, daughter of F1's Bernie Ecclestone, and our more recent brand, Fifi & Friends, a naturally formulated, bath and body collection for newborns and toddlers. Just to give you some background, to date we have successfully launched SHOW Beauty in the UK, US, EU, Asia and UAE. SHOW Beauty currently ranks as No.1 haircare brand within Harvey Nichols group and are we are also positioned in the top 6 ranking within the majority of our global retailers and growing ahead of the market in all regions. Fifi & Friends success is rapidly growing, we are currently stocked in the likes of Harvey Nichols, Cricket and Bambini Fashion in Europe, we also have a strong presence in the UAE and Scandinavia. Please see attached a brief presentation for each brand outlining the above. You can also visit our websites :, I would really welcome the opportunity of being able to arrange a call/ meeting with yourselves to discuss any potential opportunities.
Kindest Regards,
F&P Milano, the Private Label Division of LISAP Milano Laboratori Cosmetici SpA, one of the Italian leading companies in the Hair Beauty sector with more than 60 years of experience in the cosmetic field.
Hair color represents our core business, we can offer you hair dyes with low ammonia content or without ammonia. We can also offer various kind of shampoos (without SLS, pharabens etc) and conditioners in bulk or in various formats (200, 250, 500, 1000 ml).
We are able to offer you our "Customers full service” package; assisting you in the creation of your own professional Hair Color Line/Shampoo/Treatments, following you step by step during all the phases of the process: from the first tests of the product, passing thru the designing an the packaging graphics right up to the final production.
Our hair dye creams range can be summarized as follows:
Professional permanent hair dyes with low ammonia content
Traditional hair colour with mixing ratio 1:1 – approx. 200 shades available Advanced formulation with dilution 1:1,5 – approx. 100 shades available
Professional permanent hair dyes without ammonia
Gentle ammonia free hair color with dilution 1:1,5, particularly recommended for use with delicate, treated and sensitized hair. You can personalize your color chart by choosing from more than 100 different shades. Revolutionary hair color without ammonia, PPD and resorcinol, dilution 1:1,5 – approx. 60 intense and deep shades available for this formulation
You can visit our website to gather more information about our Company and see which kind of products we can supply/create for you. Consider that every single product you see on our site can be customized for you not just with your brand or your graphics but also with the add of ingredients at your choice, making the product your own product also in the formulation.
We are currently supplying different mass market chains like "Tesco", "In’s Mercato" and "Unes", for them we supply hair color in kit and hair care and styling products (gel, shampoos, conditioners, hairspray, waxes…)
We have an education center inside the company that can guest up to 200 persons at time for master classes, seminaries or upgrade forums. We also have an internal testing salon that daily work in the testing of every single products we produce to always ensure the best quality.
Year of creation
Year of creation
We maintain the highest quality control throughout the entire production in compliance with recognized quality management systems. The taste and quality of our product is highly prized by customers in 65 countries.
Every single day millions of meals worldwide are fried, braised and roasted with our oil. It compliments salad dressings of the world’s finest cuisines. Our mission is to produce highest quality sunflower oil and to deliver that very bottle of Kernel into your kitchen. The bottle of sunflower oil that suits all your culinary needs.Make your cooking fun!
Year of creation
Year of creation
Dear Mr/Madam,
Kahraman AS was founded in 1976 as a family organisation for direct sourcing, manufacturing and International Trade of Edible Nuts & Kernels, Olive Oil, Sesameand Tahini. Kahraman AS is a worldwide recognised company, best known with;
The production of tahini is made by state of art machineries with a pasteurizer and also to get the best taste, structure and color in the product, the traditional stone grinders are being used. Plus, tahini is made under BRC quality standards and also have kosher certificate. Currently, the goods are exported to more than 20 countries in the world. If you want to have more information for the product, delivery terms and our references pls feel free to contact us.
We are pleased to introduce ourselves. With our 120 coworkers (experienced and motivated) staff, we produce beside or our own brand, mainly private labeled items. All our goods are produced under the obligated European standards as well as ISO 9001:2008 and HACCP regulation. 2.500m2 production area / 6.000m2 climate controlled warehouse / 21 year experience / 5 hyper modern production lines When you are interested in one of our items under your own label
Premier Manufacturers of Frozen Italian Pizza Dough & Pizza
Greetings from Esda Store.. First of all we want to introduce our company. Our company was established in 2013 in Kocaeli/Turkey. In 2013 we began manufacturing of all types of plastic items catering to plastic and make-up organizer, bathroom items, kitchen items by combining the experience and knowledge. I had obtained in Gift Items and Cosmetics sector throughout many years with high technology and team who has a specialized in production of these items.
Year of creation
Year of creation
Côté Millésime has gained a reputation over the years for being one of the major wine suppliers of the Rhône Valley, offering a continual selection of wines from the region to its supermarket clients all over France through permanent listings, private label, wine fairs & national promotions. The group made a turnover of just over 23 million€ reflecting 6 million bottles of wine.
It is only now that Côté Millésime leaps into the Export market, bringing a great opportunity for overseas clients to benefit from the different wine styles of the Rhône region, guaranteeing quality, origin & volume, at best market prices.
Take 5 is a leader in competitive branded consumer goods products, which we distribute through our own route to market chain, operating as a family owned business in South Africa as well as other African countries.
Take 5 brings the wholesome family feeling to millions of homes in South Africa. Our products are nutritional and made with quality ingredients.
Year of creation
Year of creation
FormulaNova is a direct manufacturer of bath cosmetics. The factory is located in western Poland. All of our products have a full set of tests and documentation. The microbiology, dermatology, application assessment, Cosmetic Product Safety Report (CPRS) are made by an independent cosmetics laboratory. It is obvious that the products are 100% compliant with EU cosmetic regulations. The quality and safety of our products is most important to us and the best confirmation of this is the fact that through our distributors we sell the products in South Korea and Japan, where the quality rigor for cosmetics is the highest. The main clients for our products are large distributors and chain stores from the Netherlands, France, Spain and Germany.
Depending on the product, our MOQ starts from 5 pallets.
We are a leading manufacturer and distributor of organic, natural and conventional dried fruits from Turkey. With over 25 years of manufacturing background since 1993 and distribution experience in the US since 2003, we are one of the most experienced and dedicated company in the dried fruits market.
We have taken on the task to produce custom packaged chewing-products for dogs and cats in the best quality and to provide the desired good at the right time. We are certified with IFS, GMP, HACCP and B8. We take great care to create our products according to the customer’s requirements.
We supply the wholesale and retailers and take into account the wishes of our customers in terms of labeling and packaging. Please contact us for a tailormade offer!
The strict requirements of the german breeding, feeding and slaughter gives one the security you seek for your products. We use only supplies which origin we can check and where traceability is ensured.
Our chewing-products have another advantage: The products are clearly recognizable in their animal origins. We only use supplies from breeding, feeding, slaughtering and processing which meet our high quality standards. Our company is located in the northern west of germany.
Best quality for pets!
Year of creation
Year of creation
The Mirabeau story is one of following a dream and the pursuit of a deeply held passion for wine. In 2009, after years of dreaming, Jeany and Stephen Cronk made the decision to leave the leafy suburbs of South London behind in exchange for the blue skies and sunshine of Cotignac, in Provence. With three young children in tow, they held hands and leapt into the unknown. Armed with big ambitions to make world-class rosé wine, and willing to gently challenge the status quo, they embarked upon the ultimate family adventure and created one of the world’s most loved brands of rosé.
At Mirabeau, the focus is on making delectable, dry pink wines that are perfect partners to a vast assortment of foods and are diverse enough to be served at any occasion. The innovative and chic range now includes a rosé Dry Gin inspired by the glamour and heady aromas of the French Riviera.
With its fragrance experience of more than half a century with over 200,000 created “eternal” fragrance formulas, MG International Fragrance Company makes sustainable effort to produce fragrances from world-wide available raw materials.
Founded in 1961 by Mişel Gülçiçek, MG International Fragrance Company,
Being the first integrated manufacturing facility, the creative center with the highest capacity and product diversity under one roof in the world, MG International Fragrance Company has been embracing the values of product quality and customer loyalty as guiding principles for many generations. It carries the label of “Made in Turkey” with pride and success and aims to raise this label across the globe.
MG International Fragrance Company provides services to over 72 countries and supplies fragrance compositions and ingredients to nearly 4,000 manufacturers worldwide including the domestic market. With its environmentally conscious production, “employee-and-customer-first” oriented approach, and productive high technology utilization, the company, which is among Turkey’s 500 second biggest industrial enterprises, places particular emphasis on working under healthy and safe environments.