BEEF PÂTÉ Grain-free This grain-free pâté is suitable for all types of dogs. The organic spirulina contains vitamin B12, calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, potassium and amino acids for a healthy diet. Spirulina also has a positive impact on blood sugar levels and contributes to strong bones
Types of Board Lids Products :
Just one source of animal protein for genuine and digestible dog food. Flavourful Stuzzy Monoprotein recipes are the ideal choice to fill your champion’s bowl with nourishing but essential food. Proposed in many flavours, from “classic” to “country”.
Available in 9 flavors
Example Monoprotein beef
Just one animal protein does not mean less flavour for your dog! Stuzzy Monoprotein Beef is a complete and trendy food, steamed to feed your champion a natural meal.